
洞庭湖区堤垸时空分布与历史演变分析(英文) 被引量:1

Spatiotemporal distribution and historical evolution of polders in the Dongting Lake area, China
摘要 Dongting Lake is the largest lake in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in China. For centuries, people inhabiting the Dongting Lake area have been reclaiming land and constructing dams for flood resistance, agricultural production, and rural settlement, forming geographical entities known as polders. In this study, the regional spatial distributions of polders in the Dongting Lake area in 1949, 1998, and 2013 were obtained using historical maps and modern remotely sensed data, revealing changes since the establishment of the People's Republic of China. Nanxian County was then selected to demonstrate polder changes at the county level, because it has undergone the most dramatic changes in the area. Different polder change models for the Datonghu, Yule, and Renhe polders were analyzed for eight periods: 1644(the early Qing Dynasty), 1911(the late Qing Dynasty), 1930(the Republic of China), 1949(the People's Republic of China), 1963, 1970, 1998, and 2013. Three resulting polder evolution models are: 1) reclaiming polders from lakes, 2) integrating polders by stream merging, and 3) abandoning polders for flood release. The polder evolution models demonstrate the wisdom of local people in using land resources according to the specific regional conditions. Throughout their long-term historical evolution, the spatial distribution of polders in the Dongting Lake area tended to be homogeneous, and the degree of human disturbance tended to be stable. However, a shift occurred, from pure polder area growth or removal to more comprehensive management and protection of the regional environment. Dongting Lake is the largest lake in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in China. For centuries, people inhabiting the Dongting Lake area have been reclaiming land and constructing dams for flood resistance, agricultural production, and rural settlement, forming geographical entities known as polders. In this study, the regional spatial distributions of polders in the Dongting Lake area in 1949, 1998, and 2013 were obtained using historical maps and modern remotely sensed data, revealing changes since the establishment of the People's Republic of China. Nanxian County was then selected to demonstrate polder changes at the county level, because it has undergone the most dramatic changes in the area Different polder change models for the Datonghu, Yule, and Renhe polders were analyzed for eight periods: 1644 (the early Qing Dynasty), 1911 (the late Qing Dynasty), 1930 (the Re- public of China), 1949 (the People's Republic of China), 1963, 1970, 1998, and 2013. Three resulting polder evolution models are: 1) reclaiming polders from lakes, 2) integrating polders by stream merging, and 3) abandoning polders for flood release. The polder evolution models demonstrate the wisdom of local people in using land resources according to the specific regional conditions. Throughout their long-term historical evolution, the spatial distribution of polders in the Dongting Lake area tended to be homogeneous, and the degree of human disturbance tended to be stable. However, a shift occurred, from pure polder area growth or removal to more comprehensive management and protection of the regional environment.
出处 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第11期1561-1578,共18页 地理学报(英文版)
基金 Science & Technology Basic Research Program of China,No.2011FY110400,No.2013FY114600 National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.41301474 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation,No.2014T70114 Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Service of IKCEST,CKCEST-2016-3-7
关键词 洞庭湖地区 历史演变 圩田 时空分布 中国 中华人民共和国 POLDER 演化模型 Dongting Lake polder spatiotemporal distribution landscape pattern evolution model
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