
压电动态拉应力传感器研究 被引量:1

Study on PZT-based Dynamic Tensile Stress Sensors
摘要 该文提出一种用于混凝土结构内部动态拉应力测量的嵌入式应力传感器,在介绍其基本工作原理和结构的基础上,设计制作了拉应力传感器灵敏度标定装置,对一组传感器试样进行动态拉应力测量灵敏度标定。研究了压电陶瓷预加压应力下传感器输出电压与拉应力水平的线性关系,并比较了在不同预紧力水平下传感器的灵敏度。试验结果表明,制作的传感器输出电压与动态拉应力线性相关度较好,预紧力的施加可进一步提高线性相关度,且所制作的不同传感器间的灵敏度差异小。 In this paper,an embedded PZT-based dynamic tensile stress sensor for concrete structure is proposed.The design concept and manufacturing method are described at first and then a calibration device is designed and manufactured.The sensitivity of the developed tensile stress sensor is calibrated.The linearity between the output voltage of sensor under applied prestress on PZT patch and the tensile stress has been investigated,and the linearities under different prestresses were compared.The experimental results show that the linearity between the output voltage of the sensor and the dynamic tensile stress is good.By applying prestress,the linearity between the applied tensile force and the output of the sensor becomes better.The sensitivity differences of different sensors with identical PZT patch sensing element are small.
作者 许斌 孙广意 陈洪兵 XU Bin SUN Guangyi CHEN Hongbing(College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China Hunan Provincial Key Lab. of Damage Detection for Engineering Structures, Hunan University, Changsha 410082,China)
出处 《压电与声光》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期683-686,共4页 Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51261120374) 国际科技合作与交流专项基金资助项目(2014DFE70230) 湖南省科技计划基金资助项目(2014TT1006)
关键词 压电陶瓷(PZT) 动态拉应力 预紧力 混凝土结构 标定 piezoelectric ceramic(PZT) dynamic tensile stress prestress concrete structures calibration
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