
StethoScope随钻测压技术在南海Z油田的应用 被引量:13

Application of StethoScope pressure while drilling in Z Oilfield of South China Sea
摘要 南海Z油田主力油藏在平面上分布于南、中、北三块,纵向上分布于一、二、三段。平面上块与块之间不连通,纵向上层与层之间也不连通,表现出多油水系统特征,连通性复杂;同时,横向变化大,非均质性强,导致调整井动用储量以及注水开发效果都受影响;各断块油藏能量主要为天然能量和注水驱动能量。针对Z油田的关键开发调整井位测取精确的小层压力剖面,对于精细刻画该油田多油水系统的复杂连通性关系、明确天然能量衰竭剖面、指导后期开发方案制定和优化具有重要意义。鉴于随钻测压技术正是满足此项要求的关键技术,系统介绍了随钻测压工具的工作原理、测量精度的影响因素及消除措施和在南海Z油田油藏描述方面的应用,并通过Z油田的应用实例来说明随钻测压结果的有效性。 The major pay zones of Z Oilfield stay within 3 lateral blocks:south,middle and north,and vertically it consists of 3 intervals.Because laterally the 3 blocks are disconnected,and vertically the 3 intervals are disconnected either,there are multiple oil-water systems across the whole Z Oilfield and connectivity is complex.Due to the sharp horizontal geological change and the serious anisotropy around,both the performance of infill production well and water injection are affected a lot.And the drive mechanism of respective block is mostly natural drive and water injecting.So taking all above into consideration,the delineation of formation pressure in the pay zones of Z Oilfield plays a key role in the characterization of reservoir depletion profile from production and injection,complex connectivity in multiple fluid systems.It consequently facilitates the design and optimization in later development program of that field.FPWD(Formation Pressure While Drilling)is the fit-for-purpose technology for the delineation of formation pressure.This paper introduced the measurement principle,influence factors and major applications of FPWD.It also takes the examples in Z oilfield of South China Sea to demonstrate the efficiency of FPWD.
出处 《录井工程》 2016年第3期67-71,99,共5页 Mud Logging Engineering
基金 十二五国家科技重大专项"南海西部海域典型低孔低渗油气藏勘探开发关键技术研究及实践"(编号:2011ZX05023-004)
关键词 随钻测压 复杂连通性分析 能量衰竭剖面 消除措施 油藏描述 FPWD lateral connectivity analysis reservoir depletion profile
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