
基于棱镜对的超短脉冲压缩器的光学设计 被引量:1

Optical Design of Ultrashort Pulses Compressor Based on Prism Pairs
摘要 针对掺钛蓝宝石固体激光器腔内脉冲压缩的问题,利用光学设计软件设计棱镜对超短脉冲压缩器,对脉冲群延迟色散进行补偿,以此压缩超短脉冲。利用光学设计软件建立棱镜对脉冲压缩器模型,利用计算群延迟色散的宏得出棱镜对群延迟色散与棱镜对间距之间存在线性关系,结合蓝宝石晶体的群延迟色散,优化获得与之匹配的压缩器结构参数。对脉冲中心波长群延迟色散进行补偿的同时,使用色散小的熔融石英玻璃使100 fs脉冲边带波长的群延迟色散减小至10 fs^2。运用光学设计软件计算光学系统的群延迟色散具有直观、简单、计算量小的优点。 Aiming at the problem of pulses compression in a Ti: sapphire solid laser cavity, optical design software is employed to design the ultrashort pulses compressor with prism pairs, which can compensate group delay dispersion (GDD) can compress the ultrashort pulses. First, a model of pulses compressor with prism pairs is built by optical design software. And the linear relation between GDD and the distance of prism pairs are obtained by a macro which can compute GDD. Combined with GDD of a sapphire crystal, the compressor structure parameters match with GDD is obtained after optimization. When GDD of the pulses center wavelength are compensated, GDD of marginal wavelengths is reduced to 10 fs^2 for a 100 fs pulse by using low-dispersion fused silica. Computation of GDD in an optical system using optical design software has the advantage of perceptual intuition, simpleness, low computational complexity.
出处 《激光与光电子学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期220-224,共5页 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
基金 国家自然科学基金(61405049) 黑龙江省自然科学基金(F2016023)
关键词 光学设计 脉冲压缩器 色散补偿 棱镜对 optical design pulse compressor dispersion compensation prism pairs
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