
Crop 3D--基于激光雷达技术的作物高通量三维表型测量平台 被引量:28

Crop 3D: a platform based on LiDAR for 3D high-throughput crop phenotyping
摘要 作物表型测量技术发展的滞后已成为当前育种领域的发展瓶颈,高通量的精确表型测量有助于加速育种进程.激光雷达是一种新兴的主动遥感技术,能够精确获取作物的空间形态数据,在高通量作物表型监测中有广阔应用前景.然而,目前我国基于激光雷达技术的作物表型监测仍存在较大空白.因此,本课题组自主研发了一套以激光雷达为主,集成高分辨率相机、热成像仪、高光谱成像仪等传感器的高通量作物测量平台—Crop3D.与传统作物表型测量技术相比,Crop 3D优势在于能够通量化同步地对作物各生长时期进行多源表型数据的获取并提取株高、株幅、叶长、叶宽、叶倾角和叶面积等参数,可为植物生物学和基因组学分析提供数据支持.本文重点对Crop 3D平台的整体规划设计、传感器集成、运行模式及平台获取的表型参数做了详细描述,并对其潜在应用领域做了简要探讨.本课题组认为,激光雷达与传统表型测量技术相结合的集成型平台有望成为未来作物表型参数获取的趋势所在. With the growth of population and the reduction of arable land, breeding has been considered as an effective way to solve the food crisis. As an important part in breeding, high-throughput phenotyping can accelerate the breeding process effectively. Light detection and ranging(LiDAR) is an active remote sensing technology that is capable of acquiring three-dimensional(3D) data accurately, and has a great potential application in crop phenotyping. Given that crop phenotyping based on LiDAR technology is not common in China, we developed a high-throughput crop phenotyping platform, named Crop 3D, which integrated LiDAR, high-resolution camera, thermal camera and hyperspectral imager. Compared with traditional crop phenotyping techniques, Crop 3D can acquire the multi-source phenotypic data in the whole crop growing period and extract plant height, plant width, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, leaf inclination angle and other parameters for plant biology and genomics analysis. In this paper, we described the designs, functions and testing results of the Crop 3D platform. Then, the potential applications and future development of the platform in phenotyping were briefly discussed. We concluded that platforms integrating LiDAR and traditional remote sensing techniques might be the future trend of crop high-throughput phenotyping.
出处 《中国科学:生命科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1210-1221,共12页 Scientia Sinica(Vitae)
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)(批准号:XDA08040107)资助
关键词 作物育种 表型参数 数据融合 激光雷达 高通量 集成平台 crop breeding phenotypic parameters data fusion LiDAR high-throughput integrated platform
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