Management of defects on the hand and foot with exposed tendons remains a major challenge for plastic surgeons. Here, we present a case of hand reconstruction with a totally laparoscopic peritoneal flap. The anterior rectus sheath was preserved in situ. The peritoneal free flap supplied by peritoneal branches of the deep inferior epigastric artery was retrieved by laparoscopy to cover the soft tissue defect of the hand. The defect of the dorsal hand was 17 cm × 12 cm. The peritoneal flap measuring 22 cm × 15 cm survived completely without any complications. A following split-thickness skin graft offered the suc- cessful wound closure. Motor and sensory function improved gradually within the first year follow-up. The totally laparoscopic peritoneal free flap is a good choice for reconstruction of the soft tissue de- fects accompanied by exposed tendons on the hand and foot.