
“南海仲裁案”后续法律应对的关键问题研究 被引量:8

Research on Key Issues of Subsequent Legal Response to the South China Sea Arbitration Case
摘要 南海仲裁庭先后作出的"管辖权裁决"和"最终裁决"均反映出仲裁庭滥用职权,肆意扩大自身管辖范围。仲裁庭的裁决严重违背《联合国海洋法公约》有关强制仲裁的前置程序和排除性例外的规定,并歪曲解释该公约的受案范围。如此严重背离《联合国海洋法公约》程序性规则的裁决当属无效。为捍卫国际法治秩序和《联合国海洋法公约》框架下争端解决机制的公正性和权威性,为维护南海地区的和平与稳定和中国南海海域的合法权益,中国应继续以法理为基础,谴责仲裁庭违反程序行为,并通过外交活动推动《联合国海洋法公约》缔约国公开支持中国立场;同时,结合有区别的原则,遏制菲律宾破坏国际法治的行为。 Regardless of the Chinese government's position of "no acceptance, no participation, no recognition and no implementation", the Hague Tribunal of the South China Sea arbitration case between China and the Philippines issued its verdict as fully supported the Philippines. Although the verdict evidently violates the international law in many respects, China is bound to face unprecedented pressure in the legal aspect. In order to offset the long-term negative effects the verdict may bring to China's interests in the South China Sea, it is necessary to research into the key issue of subsequent legal response to the South China Sea arbitration case. For this purpose, the article first analyzes the issue whether the arbitration tribunal has the right to arbitrate in the name of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Then, it lays special emphasis on the analysis and arguments of the arbitration tribunal's act of abusing competence-competence as well as the its incorrect ruling on some substantial issues which is beyond the purview of the United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea (hereafter referred to as "UNCLOS" ). At last, the article demonstrates the legal methods of offsetting the negative effects of the "arbitration award", and constructively proposes the solution in striving for the understanding and support of most contracting parties of the UNCLOS by presenting facts and demonstrating jurisprudence, so that the international community would reach the consensus that the arbitration tribunal has abused its right of jurisdiction.
作者 管建强
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期51-71,共21页 China Legal Science
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"构建中国特色军事法治体系的核心问题研究"(项目批准号:14ZDC035)的阶段性成果
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  • 1《中华人民共和国外交部关于应菲律宾共和国请求建立的南海仲裁案仲裁庭所作裁决的声明》,载中国外交部网:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/ziliao_674904/1179-674909/t1379490.shtml,最后访问时问:2016年8月18日.
  • 2《王毅:仲裁庭背后的政治操作必将大白于天下》,载中国外交部网:http://www.mfa.gov.cn/nanhai/chn/wjbxw/t1384715.htm,最后访问时间:2016年8月18日.
  • 3See Southern Bluefin Tuna Case ( Australia and New Zealand v. Japan), Award on Jurisdiction and Admissibility, August 4, 2000, 119 International law Reports 508, para. 56.
  • 4贾兵兵:《第281条:(联合国海洋法公约)中的“超级”条款?》,载中国国际法学会主办:《中国国际法年刊--南海仲裁案管辖权问题专刊》,法律出版社2016年版,第32-35页.
  • 5潘俊武:《论(联合国海洋法公约)中强制仲裁管辖的先决条件》,载中国国际法学会主办:《中国国际法年刊--南海仲裁案管辖权问题专刊》,法律出版社2016年版,第57页.
  • 6《中华人民共和国政府关于菲律宾共和国所提南海仲裁案管辖权问题的立场文件》,载中国外交部网:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/ziliao_674904/tyqi_674911/zcwj_674915/t1217143.shtml,最后访问时间:2016年8月1日.
  • 7See PCA, The South China Sea Arbitration (The Republic of Philippines v. The People's Republic of China), Award, July 12, 2016, para. 159.
  • 8李浩培.《条约法概论》[M].法律出版社,1988年版.第596-597页.
  • 9《南海各方行为宣言》,载中国外交部网:http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/ziliao-674904/1179_674909/t4553.shtml,最后访问时间:2016年8月1日.
  • 10Art. 4 of Declaration On The Conduct Of Parties In The South China Sea: "The Parties concerned undertake to resolve their territorial and jurisdictional disputes by peaceful means, without resorting to the threat or use of force, through friendly consultations and negotiations by sovereign states directly concerned, in accordance with universally recognized principles of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea", at http://asean, org/? static_post = declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea 2 (Last visited on August 4, 2016).


  • 11992年的《中华人民共和国领海及毗连区法》第2条第2款.
  • 2《公约》第76条.
  • 3国际海道测昔组织编.《海洋的界限》,中同人民海军司令部航海保证部译印,国际海道测量局1992年版.
  • 4《中华人民共和国国务院公报》,1983年第10期.
  • 5联合国大陆架界限委员会网站(http.//www.1ln.org/depts/los/clcs).
  • 62009年5月7日,中国就越,马划界案向联合国秘书长提交反制照会.详见联合国大陆架界限委员会网站(http.//www.un.org/depts/los/clcs).
  • 7联合国大陆架界限委员会网站(http.//www.an.org/depts/los/clcs).
  • 8《公约》第121条.
  • 9《公约》第77条.
  • 10《公约》第60条,第80条.










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