
美国普教与特教教师合作教学SHS模式研究及启示 被引量:1

Research and Enlightenment of American Teachers of Common Education and Special Education Cooperation and SHS Teaching Model
摘要 合作教学SHS模式是美国具有特色的教学模式,包括补偿性教学、站点教学、平行教学、替代教学和共享教学,其有效实施策略分为组织CWPT培训、实施CWPT等步骤。研究证明:SHS模式促进了普通学生和特殊学生发展并提高了教学效果,并带给我们一些有益的经验启示。 Cooperative SHS mode teaching is American style mode of teaching, including compensatory teaching, site teaching, parallel teaching, alternative teaching and sharing teaching. The effective implementation of the strategy is divided into organization CWPT training, the implementation of CWPT and other steps. It has promoted the development of ordinary students and special students, improved the teaching effect, and brought us some useful experience and enlightenment.
作者 贾翠雅 Jia Cuiya(School of education, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, Liaoning 116029)
出处 《绥化学院学报》 2016年第10期150-153,共4页 Journal of Suihua University
关键词 美国 普教教师 特教教师 合作教学 SHS模式 United States general education teachers teachers cooperative teaching mode SHS
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