
《扁鹊心书》用药配伍思路探析 被引量:3

Analysis on the Compatibility of TCM from Song Dynasty Book of Bianque Xinshu
摘要 目的:利用数据挖掘方法探析宋代名医窦材所撰《扁鹊心书》治疗内科疾病用药配伍组方规律。方法:利用计算机录入宋代名医窦材所撰《扁鹊心书》治疗内科疾病的中医方剂,采用Excel 2007软件建立相应数据库,采用数据挖掘方法分析其用药规律。结果:整理出《扁鹊心书》中医复方方剂96首,涉及药物157味,药物总使用频次460;所用核心单味药依次为甘草、附子、生姜、硫磺、当归、肉桂、干姜、川乌、白芍药等;药物类别以以补虚药、温里药、解表药、止咳化痰平喘药、杀虫止痒药、清热药等为主;分析方剂中使用频次居前25味的药物主要功效。结论:窦材临证治疗内科病主要选用高频次温补阳气药附子、肉桂、干姜,运用《伤寒论》经典方干姜附子汤灵活加减,重视扶养阳气的治疗思想。 Objective : To analysis on the Compatibility of TCM from Song dynasty famous physican DONG Cai's book of Bianque Xinshu based on data mining. Methods : To input Chinese medicine treatment internal diseases from Bianque X in sh u into computer and set up a database The medical material written by sinus song a Bian Que heart bookw treatment of internal diseases in Chinese medicine is put into the computer to establish a database,then analyze the rule of medication using statistical methods. Results:96 prescriptions including 157 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine been used 460 times totally and high frequency core medicine with were liquorice, aco-nite, ginger, cinnamon, ginger, sulfur, angelica, Radix Aconiti, Radix Paeoniae Alba medicine; medicine for tonic medicine, warm in medicine, diaphoretic, expectorant antiasthmatic, insecticidal antipruritic and heat drags etc. ; the herbs pungent, sweet and bitter, the cumulative frequency of 86.67% ; resistance to temperature, cold, flat, the cumulative frequency of 81. 51% ; spleen and stom-ach, liver, lung, kidney, heart, the cumulative frequency of 86.72%. Conclusion: DOU Cai used high frequency core reinforce yang qi medicine such as Monkshood, cinnamon, ginger in clinical. He pays attention to raising yang qi using ginger - aconite Decoction flexibly from Shanghan Lun And at the same time, he like use pair medicine such the emergence of strong heart pain with ginger + monkshood, monkshood + Radix Paeoniae Alba ; Qufengchushi Tongluo analgesic medicine with Radix Paeoniae Alba + licorice.
作者 李廷保
机构地区 甘肃中医药大学
出处 《江西中医药大学学报》 2016年第5期3-4,51,共3页 Journal of Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine
基金 甘肃中医药大学教学改革项目(2013-ZB06)
关键词 扁鹊心书 用药 配伍 Medical books in the Song Dynasty Bian Que's book traditional Chinese medicine treatment of disease Medication compatibility
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