
当代产业形态的三大生态化转型比论 被引量:3

A Comparative Research on Three Ecologicalizations of Contemporary Industry Configurations
摘要 工业新形态来势汹涌,不但正在发挥重要而全面的社会作用,而且召唤着"绿色智造"。里夫金以未来学的叙事方式着力探讨了后碳时代的绿色智造及其发展效益,强调以可再生能源为主要能源,以信息化网络为主要技术手段,推进产业形态的新变革,实现分散式、合作型的新经济模式和广泛社会参与的民主政治模式和全球治理。德国工业4.0主要是关注工业制造业的智能化升级,依赖于数字信息化技术提高生产的集约性和生产资料的价值效率。工业4.0不仅要有智能化的生产要素,还取决于"智能工厂"的生产组织形式和网络化合作的社会交往方式。工业4.0强调了资源革命,尤其是生产环节及其组织形式的智能化转变包含了资源利用方式的智能化转变,然而,其绿色发展意识还不够浓厚。面临着强势来袭的智能化和绿色化浪潮,中国的制造业必须要在中国绿色发展中发挥越来越重要的作用,当然,这样的中国制造应该是且只能是绿色智造。"绿色智造"是绿色化和智能化相结合的制造业创新发展,智能化是中国制造业的智能转型,绿色化是中国制造业的可持续要求。智能化+绿色化是包含资源能源、生态环境在内的整体性产业变革。推进中国"绿色智造"需要全面深化产业机制改革,推进产业形态的智能化创新,坚持生态和谐的基本原则等。 The booming new configuration of industry is not only functioning significantly and comprehensively in society, but also calling for green intelligent manufacturing. Jeremy Rifkin discussed the green intelligent manufacturing, emphasizing renewable energy as main sources and the information network as main technical means to promote industrial configuration transformation and to realize distributed and cooperative new economic mode and broad social participation in democratic politics and global governance. The industry 4.0 in German concerns mainly the intelligent upgrading of the industrial manufacturing, relying on digital information technology to improve the production intensity and the value efficiency of production means. Industry 4.0 not only involves intelligent production elements, but also depends on the production and organization of "smart factory" and the social interaction of network cooperation. Industry 4.0 emphasizes the resources revolution, especially the intelligent transformation of production process and its organization including the intelligent exploitation of resources. However, the awareness of green development is far from enough. The Chinese manufacturing must play more and more important role in Chinese green development when confronted with the strong global trend of intelligent and green development. Manufacturing in China should be and must be green intelligent manufacturing, the innovative development of manufacturing.“Intelligent”stresses the intelligent transformation of the Chinese manufacturing, and“green”refers to the sustainable development of the Chinese manufacturing. It is a comprehensive transformation involving resources, energy and ecological environment, which calls for the overall industry mechanism reform, intelligent innovation of industry configurations to maintain the ecological harmony.
作者 陶火生
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2016年第3期103-114,共12页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2015年度福建省高校新世纪优秀人才支持计划"马克思主义生态思想史" 2014年福建省社会科学规划重大项目"当代中国马克思主义生态理论创新"(2014JDZ018)
关键词 第三次工业革命 工业4.0 中国制造 提高生态文明建设水平 绿色智造 the third industrial revolution Chinese manufacturing promotion of ecological civilization progress green intelligent manufacturing
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