东沟钼矿的尾矿中含有大量极易沉降的粗颗粒和部分极难沉降的细粒悬浮颗粒,为保证细粒悬浮颗粒的 沉降,必须向尾矿浆中加入大量的混凝剂并采用大面积的浓缩设备.通过小型试验研究发现,该尾矿浆需要稀释 至6%以下浓度才能获得药耗低、絮团好的混凝效果,因此研究人员提出采用两段浓缩法处理该尾矿浆,即不加入药剂的一段直接浓缩产出以粗粒为主的合格底流,一段浓缩溢流再度经稀释后在二段浓缩机中混凝沉降产出合格 底流和合格溢流,两段底流合并外送.半工业试验表明,采用斜板浓密机,当尾矿浓度为25%-30%时,可得到总底流浓度大于40%,二段溢流水澄清,减少药耗和浓缩机占地面积并产出高浓度外送尾矿.
The tailing from Donggou molybdenum mine is composed of coarse particles and fine particles. The coarse particles precipitate rapidly,the fine particles can not precipitate and suspend in the pulp. For effective sedi-ment of fine particles, chemical reagents and large thicker must be used. It is found that the tailing must be diluted to 6% to obtain the best flocculation. So,the investigator proposes a two-stage thickening process for treatment of tailing, chemical reagents is used in the second stage but not in the first one. On the first stage, coarse particles are sedimented and discharged. Overflow of the first stage thickening is thickened in the second stage thickening with chemical reagents. Experiment in site with lamella thickeners shows, when the concentration of tailing is 25% ? 30% concentration of the two underflow is over 4 0 % ,the two-stage thickening process is effective for tailing from Donggou molybdenum mine. Also, amount of chemical reagents and area of thickeners are largely lowed, concentra-tion of total underflow is enlarged.
YAO Wei(Jinduicheng Molybdenum Mining Ruyang Co. ,Ltd. ,Ruyang 471200, Henan, China)
China Molybdenum Industry