
通向21世纪技能的学习环境设计——美国《21世纪学习环境路线图》述评 被引量:32

A Review of "Roadmap to 21st Century Learning Environments" and its Implications to China
摘要 为了应对21世纪技术进步和经济全球化对人才培养的挑战,美国从学习、教学与专业学习、评价与问责、领导力与文化、基础设施五个要素出发,研制了"21世纪学习环境路线图",为教育领导者规划了建构21世纪学习环境路径,旨在为学生的学习提供支持,以培养他们的21世纪技能,为升学和就业做准备。本文对该路线图进行了分析解读,以期从中获得启示,为我国基础教育改革的理论与实践提供借鉴。 To help deal with the challenge of talent cultivation from technical progress and economical globalization, the U. S. has developed a program so called " Roadmap to 21st Century Learning environments", which consists of five parts : learning, teaching and professional learning, assessment and accountability, leadership and culture, and infrastructure. This Roadmap aims at providing support for the learning success of the students, cultivating 21 st Cen- tury Skills, so that they could get ready for enrollment to a higher level school and employment in the future. It also has designed a clear route of learning environments in this century for educational leaders. The purpose of this article is to review this roadmap program in order to gain some inspirations and experiences from it, as well as to provide references to the theories and practices of our basic education reform.
作者 邓莉 彭正梅
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期11-21,共11页 Open Education Research
基金 国家社科基金教育学重点项目"基础教育人才培养模式的国际与比较研究"(WGA160004)
关键词 21世纪学习环境路线图 21世纪技能 21世纪学习 技术 roadmap to 21st century learning environments 21st century skills 21st century learning technology
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