According to investigating purpose of combing innovation with application, a new type of electrical ball- head has been designed. In order to improve the function and performance of it, the paper investigated the measure of structural designing, which assures flexibility of the head. By profoundly analyzing properties of forces acting on the head and their balance condition, mechanical improvement for maximum loading capacity of the head is achieved. Utilizing MATLAB for assistant calculation and data processing, the relationship between movement posture and maximum angular acceleration of the head is figured out, which represents the flexibility of it, and also several factors that greatly affect the flexibility and influential extents of each factor is discussed. Under direction of the theory proposed, comparing with the first generation of electrical ball-head, the new type of electrical ball-head has been greatly improved not only in flexibility and controllability but also in loading capacity and applicability, which show that mathematical modeling and theoretical analyzing in the paper have made a fabulous contribution, and promoted the designing enhancement of the new type of electrical ball-head.
Machine Design And Research