
基于多延迟相关参数的信号处理算法 被引量:1

Improved Signal Processing Algorithm Based on Multi-Lag Autocorrelation Parameters
摘要 针对传统天气雷达信号处理算法受平均噪声功率影响的问题,提出采用多阶延迟自相关参数计算天气雷达回波数据。由于一阶、二阶、三阶延迟自相关参数不受雷达噪声影响,因此采用多阶延迟自相关参数算法可以避免由于平均噪声功率不合适对回波数据质量造成的影响,而且可以省去计算平均噪声功率这项复杂工作。分别采用传统信号处理算法、Lag1&2算法、Lag1&3算法对实测I/Q数据进行处理,输出数据结果表明:在信噪比小于5dB回波区域,Lag1&2算法、Lag1&3算法输出的谱宽数据质量明显得到改善;在信噪比大于10dB回波区域,3种信号处理算法输出谱宽数据相差不大。 Aiming at the problem that the traditional weather radar signal processing algorithm is affected by the average noise power, a signal processing algorithm is proposed based on multi-lag autocorrelation parameters to obtain weather radar echo data. Since the l-lag, 2-lag, 3-lag autocorrelation parameters are unaffected by noise, the multi-lag autocorrelation parameters algorithm can eliminate the impact of the inappropriate average noise power on echo data. Using the traditional signal processing algorithm, the Lag1 2 algorithm, and the Lagl & 3 algorithm to process I/Q data, the results show that when SNR is less than 5 dB, the spectral width data qualities achieved by the Lag1 & 2 algorithm and the Lag1 & 3 algorithm are improved greatly; when SNR is more than 10 dB, three kinds of signal processing algorithms perform closely.
出处 《雷达科学与技术》 北大核心 2016年第5期521-525,共5页 Radar Science and Technology
关键词 天气雷达 信号处理 平均噪声功率 多阶延迟自相关函数 速度谱宽数据 weather radar signal processing average noise power multi-lag autocorrelation function velocity spectrum Width data
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