目的 探讨护士长的巡视工作在手术室护理管理中的应用价值。方法 选取我院2015年1-12月手术室进行的胃肠科手术患者作为研究对象,前6个月的手术按照常规手术流程进行,随机抽取其中50台手术患者作为对照组;后6个月的手术加强了护士长的巡视工作,随机抽取50台手术患者作为观察组,观察记录两组手术发生不良事件的情况,并对结果进行统计学比较与分析。结果 两组患者发生手术不良事件的情况比较显示,手术物品准备不充分、手术器械准备不符合要求、术后敷料或器械遗留患者体内、术中患者感染、窒息及药物过敏等严重病情变化、手术患者发生坠床、压疮及灼伤等各种意外情况的比例,观察组明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论 在手术室中护士长的巡视工作可明显降低各护理不良事件的发生率,对提消除安全隐患,确保患者安全性,提高手术成功率效果显著,值得在临床上进行广泛推广应用。
Objective To explore the effectiveness of application of the head nurses' inspection work in nursing man- agement of the operation room.Methods Gastrointestinal surgeries that were performed in the operation room of the hos- pital from January to December 2015 were taken as the reference object.Among surgeries performed in the first 6 months according to the routine surgical procedures,50 surgeries were randomly selected as control group;among surgeries performed in the latter 6 months with head nurses' strengthened inspections,50 surgeries were randomly selected as observation group.The adverse events of two groups were observed and recorded,and the results were compared and analyzed.Results Comparison of the postoperative adverse events of two groups of patients showed that,including ill- prepared operation items,none-up-to-standardsurgical instrument preparations,leaving dressing or equipment in pa- tient's body,intraoperative infections,asphyxia and drug allergies and other serious illness changes in patients,falling down from bed,pressure ulcers and burns.the occurrence of all unexpected situations of observation group was signifi- cantly lower than that of controlgroup,with sicinificant differences (P〈0.05),Conclusion The head nurses' inspections in the operation room can significantly reduce the incidence of nursing adverse events and have significant effectsin elimination of security risks,ensuranee of the safety of patients,improvement of the success rate of surgeries,which is worthy of clinical application.
China Modern Medicine
Head nurses
Inspection work
Operation room
Nursing management
Application effectiveness