
基于开放云存储协议的云存储系统性能评测方法研究 被引量:2

Research on performance evaluation technology on open cloud storage protocols
摘要 云存储系统的广泛应用带来了数据存储方式和商业模式的重大变革。然而,不同的云存储系统有不同的协议,横向之间尚无统一的评测基准,面对众多的云存储系统用户难以择优选择,云服务提供商也难以进一步改进设备和服务。本文针对基于开放云存储协议的云存储系统性能评测方法没有通用标准的问题,在分析开放云存储协议的基础上,分别研制了基于两种常用开放云存储协议(基于API接口和基于RESTFul接口)的性能测试工具。并应用这两种测试工具对比测试了基于API接口的开放云存储系统金山快盘和基于RESTFul接口的本地私有云存储系统OpenStack Swift的性能,分析了影响云存储系统性能的因素,为云存储厂商改进云存储服务提供了参考依据,同时,为用户选购基于开放云存储协议的云存储系统提供了理论指导。 Cloud storage system is now widely used, which has brought significant changes in data storage and business models. However, different cloud storage system corresponds to different protocol. There are no uniform benchmarks for them,so it's difficult for users to choose the optimal one when they are facing a large number of cloud storage systems. At the same time, it's also difficult for cloud service providers to improve equipment and service further. This paper focused on the problem of performance evaluation scheme based on open cloud storage protocols on the base of analyzing open cloud storage protocols,developing two common open cloud storage protocols(API interface and RESTFul interface), developed two different performance testing tools. This two kinds of testing tools are used to do performance comparison test between Kingsoft Cloud based on open cloud storage system and local private cloud storage system Open Stack Swift based on RESTFul interface. Then we analysis the factors those influence the performance of cloud storage system, which provides reference for companies to improve cloud storage service further, and offers guidance for customs to purchase cloud storage system based on open cloud storage protocols meanwhile.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2016年第19期34-37,40,共5页 Electronic Design Engineering
关键词 云存储系统 开放云存储协议 性能评测方案 性能指标 cloud storage system open cloud storage protocols performance evaluation scheme performance index
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