
全球治理创新与新兴大国责任 被引量:2

Innovation of Global Governance and Responsibility of Emerging Countries
摘要 随着全球化的不断深化,全球性问题日益增多和尖锐化,对现有全球治理机制、结构提出新挑战。经济的快速崛起使新兴大国群体迫切要求改变过时的全球治理体系,分享更多权力。但新兴大国扩大治理权力的诉求必然会与既得权力者产生冲突,并被后者要求承担更大责任。因此,负责、有为成为新兴大国建构负责任大国形象、争取更大权力、更充分地参与全球治理的基础和条件。本文在考察全球治理权力与责任关系的基础上,分析金砖国家等新兴大国,在争取成为全球治理更加重要角色的过程中如何平衡权力与责任,以更好维护自身权益和助推全面成功崛起。 As the increasingly acute global issues arise today, the mechanism and structure of global governance face new challenges. At the same time, the emerging countries pressingly call for transformations of the outdated system of global governance in order to share more global power. However, their appeal is definitely eonflictive with the vested interest of world powers, which also means more global obligation to be shouldered. Therefore, it has become a perquisite for emerging countries to establish their image of being responsible in participating global governance. Based on the observation of the interrelations between the power and responsibility, this article analyzes the way for emerging countries such as BRICS to balance the two in playing a more important role in global governance and in better safeguarding their own global interests.
作者 林跃勤 Lin Yueqin
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期1-10,共10页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目"金砖国家共赢性发展互动机制研究"(13BGJ027) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"金砖国家合作机制设计与运行模式研究"(11JJD790002) 中国社会科学杂志社重点课题"新兴国家合作研究"(2012-2016)的阶段性成果
关键词 新兴大国 全球治理 创新 权力 责任 emerging countries global governance innovation power responsibility
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