
负面报道后组织间接印象管理策略研究——基于“双组件”模型的分析 被引量:6

A Study of Negative Product Quality Reports and Organizational Indirect Impression Management Tactics— An Analysis Based on the“Two-component”Model
摘要 根据印象管理理论的"双组件"模型,印象动机影响印象构建。文章基于55个上市公司的217个研究样本2009-2015年的数据,考察了我国企业负面报道后间接印象管理使用情况。结果表明,负面报道刺激组织印象管理动机,促使其增加间接印象管理策略的数目来修复形象。具体表现为,企业社会地位越高、负面报道前的印象管理策略越多,负面报道后的间接印象管理策略越多;负面报道前的印象管理策略对企业社会地位与负面报道后印象管理策略之间的关系起到了显著的负向调节作用;面对可辩解型负面报道时,企业会使用较多数目的间接印象管理策略。这些发现为组织负面报道后实施形象修复性策略提供了启示。 According to the"two-component model of impression management theory, impression motivation influences im-pression construction. Based on the data of 217 research samples of 55 listing corporations from 2009 to 2015, this paper exam-ines the use of indirect impression management after the negative reports in China. The results show that negative reports stim-ulate organizational impression management motivation and prompt the firm to increase the number of indirect impression man-agement tactics to repair the image. Specifically, the firm is likely to react with a larger increase in indirect impression manage-ment tactics when the firm has a higher reputation, or when the firm engaged in more indirect impression management tacticsbefore the boycott; The pro-threat impression management tactics play a significant negative moderating role in the relation-ship of firm reputation and post-threat impression management tactics; The firm will use most of indirect impression manage-ment strategy in the face of the defensive negative reports. These findings provide inspirations for the implementation of reputa-tion restoration strategy after negative reports.
作者 杨洁 郭立宏
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期147-154,共8页 East China Economic Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目(16YJA630015)
关键词 间接印象管理策略 产品质量负面报道 负面报道类型 企业社会地位 indirect impression management tactics negative product quality reports type of negative reports corporate social status
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