

Drought Analysis of Power Grid Transmission Line Corridor Based on Temperature Vegetation Drought Index
摘要 以湖北省输电线路走廊地区作为研究区,利用2013年1~9月MODIS卫星影像数据,处理得到月尺度的归一化植被指数(Normalized Differential Vegetation Index,NDVI)与地表温度(Land Surface Temperature,LST)数据,构建NDVI—Ts特征空间,计算得到温度植被干旱指数(Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index,TVDI),用TVDI监测结果分析湖北省输电线路走廊区域2013年干旱时空分布情况。结果表明,湖北省输电线路走廊地区TVDI和土壤含水量之间存在显著的负相关,相关系数达到0.525(P〈0.05),由MODIS卫星影像计算得到TVDI影像可以有效表明湖北省输电线路走廊地区的土壤含水情况。 In Hubei Province transmission line corridor area as the study area, by 2013, 1 - 9 month MODIS satellite image data processing, we have obtained Monthly Scale normalized difference vegetation index (Normalized Differential Vegetation Index, NDVI) and land surface temperature land surface temperature (LST) data, constructs the NDVI TS feature space and calculate the tempera- ture vegetation dryness index (TVDI) temperature vegetation Dryness index and TVDI monitoring results analysis of Hubei Province transmission line corridor area in 2013 drought spatial distribution. The results show that the content has significant negative correla- tion, the correlation coefficient reached 0.525 ( P 〈 0. 05) in Hubei Province transmission line corridor area TVDI and soil water, by the MODIS satellite images calculated get TVDI image can effectively show that Hubei Province transmission line corridor area of soil water content.
出处 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2016年第10期94-97,共4页 Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
基金 国家电网研究项目"基于卫星遥感和气象数据的输电系统典型风险分析及防灾关键技术研究"(HB1434-10)资助
关键词 输电线路走廊 温度植被干旱指数 干旱 土壤湿度 transmission line corridor temperature vegetation drought Index drought soil moisture
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