
论宋明理学之“气本论”哲学思想——兼评横渠之学与文化软实力之提升路径 被引量:1

On the Philosophical Thought of a Neo-Confucianism“Theory of Qi”: With a Review of Heng Qu Learning and Upgrade Path of Cultural Soft Power
摘要 在世界文化多元共生的时代背景下,中国传统文化是实现我国民族梦、国家梦之本源,是提升国家软实力之根基。作为中国传统文化之核心,儒学延绵数千年,在我国传统社会意识形态领域占据着主导地位。中国儒学发轫于孔孟,而后几经跌宕,并在宋明时期以理学形式实现了一次对隋唐以降儒学渐趋式微的强力复兴。宋明理学缘起于湖湘大家周敦颐,"宇宙构成论"为其哲学理论。继后,张载提出"太虚即气"之"气本论"哲学思想,成为宋明理学的又一重要哲学理论。作为宋明理学的重要地缘学派,发轫于张载"气本论"哲学思想的横渠之学理论体系,随时代演进屡有变化,但贯穿其内的"淑世担道、崇德求实"之思想精髓却一以贯之。横渠之学思想精髓现已渗透到中华民族的普适价值之中,并已成为中华民族的重要文化基因。在"文化中国"业已"唱响中国"的时代语境下,我们要推进中华民族的伟大复兴事业,就要深度挖掘中国传统文化蕴涵的历史文化资源,践行横渠之学,不断提升中国国家文化话语权与国家文化统摄力,这是一种文化建构维度下的历史使命与时代强音。 Under the contemporary background of multicultural coexistence, the traditional Chinese culture is the foundation to achieve the Chinese dream of the nation and the state as well as enhance China' s soft power. Confucianism, as the core of traditional Chinese culture, has existed for thousands of years, playing a dominant role in the field of traditional Chinese social ideology. Originating from Confucius and Mencius, Chinese Confucianism undergoes several ups and downs and powerfully revitalizes the gradual decline of Confucianism since the Sui and Tang Dynasties in the form of Neo-Confucianism. Neo-Confucianism originates from a great scholar of Huxiang culture Zhou Dunyi with his "Cosmic Ontology" as the philosophical theory. Later Zhang Zai proposes the philosophical thought of "Qi Ontology" that "a Great Vacuity is Qi", becoming another important philosophical theory in Neo-Confucianism. The theoretical system of Heng Qu Learning that originates from the philosophical thought of Zhang Zai' s "Qi Ontology", as an important geographical school of Neo-Confucianism, changes frequently with the evolution of the times while adhering to its ideological quintessence of "benefiting mankind with undertaking responsibility and valuing moral with pursuit of truth". Nowadays the ideological quintessence of Heng Qu Learning has penetrated into "the universal values of Chinese nation and has become an important cul- tural gene in Chinese nation. Under the contemporary context of "cultural China singing over China", the promotion of the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation involves thoroughly exploring the historical cultural resources contained in traditional Chinese culture, implementing Heng Qu Learning, and constantly improving China' s cultural right of discourse and China' s cultural power of dominance, which is a kind of historic mission and timely appeal under the dimension of cultural construction.
作者 贺文华 HE Wen-hua(School of Political Science, Xi' an University, Xi' an 710065, China)
出处 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第5期70-75,共6页 Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(15YJA710009) 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(15JK2144) 陕西省社会科学基金项目(13C309)
关键词 宋明理学 “气本论”哲学思想 横渠之学 文化软实力 Neo-Confucianism philosophical thought of "Qi Ontology" Heng Qu Learning cultural soft power
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