
内科医师临床技术等级评价探索 被引量:1

Exploration of Clinical Physician's Technique Grade Evaluation
摘要 目的探索建立深圳市内科医师临床技术等级评价体系。方法通过分析2015年深圳市3家大型公立医院内分泌科、肾内科、心血管内科医师门急诊工作量、出院病历DRGs权重、手术操作RVUs值等,确定3个内科专科的医师临床技术分层分级标准,测算每位医师的技术级别,并与职称比对,探讨内科医师临床技术级别与职称的相关性。结果内科医师临床技术级别与职称相似度为38.02%,其中住院医师符合率86.36%,主治医师符合率29.85%,副主任医师符合率31.34%,主任医师符合率36.11%。结论通过临床技术评价体系反映临床医师的工作量及临床技术水平,更能真实反映内科医师的临床实际能力。 Objective :To explore the construction of physician' s clinical technique grade evaluation system. Method : The au- thors analyzed physician's emergency workload,discharge medical records with DRGs weight, and RVUs operation in departments of endocrinology,nephrology, and cardiovascular of 3 Shenzhen large-scale public hospitals. Then they settled different levels and standards for physician' s clinical technique in the 3 departments,calculated each physician' s technique grade,compared with title e- valuation and discussed the relevance of physician's clinical technique grades with their titles. Result:They find that the similarity degree of physician' s clinical technique grades and their titles is 38.02% , of which resident physician' s consistence rate is 86.36% ; doctor-in-charge, 29.85 % ; deputy chief physician,3 1. 34% ; and chief physician, 36. 11%. Conclusion : Clinical technique evaluation system reflects clinical doctor' s workload and clinical technique,which shows real clinical physician' s work ability.
出处 《现代医院管理》 2016年第5期14-17,共4页 Modern Hospital Management
关键词 内科医师 技术等级 评价制度 DRG physician technique grade evaluation system DRG
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