
反技巧性条款新论——兼评NYPE 2015第11条(b)款反技巧性条款的改动

A new theory of anti-technicality clause——a review of the revision on clause 11(b) of NYPE 2015
摘要 NYPE 2015对NYPE 1993做了不少改动,其中第11条租金支付条款的(b)款即宽限期条款的改动较明显。宽限期条款又被称为反技巧性条款。NYPE 2015通过扩大反技巧性条款的适用范围,使作出宽限期通知成为了出租人行使撤船权前的必经程序。在航运市场不景气的大背景下,NYPE 2015试图通过此种改动使租船合同双方当事人在撤船问题上更为谨慎,尽可能避免船舶闲置待运情况的出现。总体而言,NYPE 2015第11条(b)款符合当今航运实践并具有相当积极的意义。但是,该款的用词在某种程度上仍存在歧义,在今后可能会引起争议。 NYPE 2015 has made many revisions towards NYPE 1993. Among these revisions,revision on clause 11( b) "Hire Payment"is relatively obvious. Grace period clause is also called "anti-technicality clause". By extending the application scope of the anti-technicality clause,NYPE 2015 only allows a shipowner to withdraw the vessel if he has given the grace period notice pursuant to the contract. In a depressive era of shipping market,NYPE 2015 attempts to make both parties adopt a more cautious attitude towards the withdrawal of a vessel,in order to avoid the vessel being leaving used. To sum up,clause11( b) of NYPE 2015 is in accordance with current shipping practice and has a considerable significance. However,the wording used in the clause is,to a certain extent,still ambiguous,which may cause disputes in the future.
作者 张琪 郑睿
出处 《中国海商法研究》 CSSCI 2016年第3期106-111,共6页 Chinese Journal of Maritime Law
关键词 NYPE 2015 撤船 反技巧性条款 宽限期条款 NYPE 2015 withdrawal of the vessel anti-technicality clause grace period clause
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