目的 :探讨碘伏对小血管脉内膜损伤的影响。方法 :选择离体的大白鼠尾动脉为研究对象 ,分别浸入不同浓度的碘伏溶液中 ,经不同时间化学反应后取出固定 ,分别在光镜和电镜下观察血管内皮细胞损伤的情况。结果 :光镜下观察到高浓度碘伏导致较多内皮细胞脱落 ,电镜下观察到脱落的内皮细胞变性坏死 ,内弹力板断裂 ,平滑肌细胞形态结构改变 ,并随时间延长损伤加重。结论 :该研究确定碘伏浸泡的最佳浓度为 2 % ,最佳消毒时间为 10min ,此有助于降低血管内膜的损伤程度 。
Objective:To study the damage of povidone iodine solution to the vascular intima.Methods:After the tail vascular of rats were resected and soaked in povidone iodine solution of diffirent density and time,the endothelial cells of vascular intima were observed under light microscope and electronic microscope .Results:Higher density of povidone iodine solution led to more denudation of endothelial cells under light microscope. The denudation of endothelial cells necrosis,loss of internal elastic lamina,deformed shape and structure of smooth muscle cells are deformed under electronic microscope.Conclusion: The study show that the best density of povidone iodine solution is 2%,and the best sterilized time is ten minutes,which will reduce the damage of the intima and improve the survival rate of amputation.
Journal of Wenzhou Medical College