
晚熟苹果新品种‘岳冠’的选育 被引量:8

Breeding report of a new late ripening apple cultivar ‘Yueguan'
摘要 ‘岳冠’是由‘寒富’ב岳帅’杂交选育出的晚熟苹果新品种。果实近圆形,果皮底色黄绿,全面着鲜红色,果面光滑,蜡质少,果肉黄白色,肉质紧密,风味甜,微香;平均单果质量225 g,最大单果质量480 g,果形指数0.86;每果实含种子8粒。可溶性固形物含量15.4%,总糖含量12.6%,可滴定酸含量0.39%,硬度9.8 kg·cm-2,维生素C含量43.8 mg·kg-1;品质上。果实生育期165 d,在熊岳地区10月中下旬成熟;每序5朵数,萌芽率62.3%,成枝力中等。适应性和抗性较强,易栽培。恒温贮藏可到翌年5月初。适合在大石桥和凌海以南及气候条件相似地区栽培,早果性及丰产性较好,矮化中间砧树第3年开花结果,4 a生矮化中间砧树平均产量19 335 kg·hm-2。 'Yueguan' is a late-season, table apple with bright colors, excellent appearance, thick taste, good quality, long storage, strong early-fruit, high-yielding, cold-resistance and wide suitable-area. The seeding was derived from a cross between 'Hanfu' and 'Yueshuai' in 1996 at Liaoning Province Insti- tute of Pomology. It was initially selected in 1996, bred in 1997, fixed planting 768 in 1999 and fruited numbered 410-20. After regional adaptability testing at more than ten sites (including Dalian, Wafangdi- an, Pulandian, Yingkou of Liaoning etc and Jilin, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Shanxi, Shangdong Province and so on) in 2008. In 2014, applied for provincial cuhivar file. Tree of 'Yueguan' is open tree gesture and vigorous. Main branches are glabrous and dull grey-brown color. Young branches are yellow-brown with less pubescent. Matured leaves are dark-green and young leaves are green. 8.8 cm long, 5.5 cm wide, sharply serrated. There are five flowers on each unit in average, and flowers doubled. Flower is pink white, 4.5 cm across. Seed are brown. 'Yueguan' Fruit is mainly round, has yellowish-green peel and light ware surface. Its flesh is yellow-white, crisp, rich juice, fine texture and aroma. The average fruit weight 225 g, maximum fruit weight 480 g, fruit shape index 0.86; 8 seed numbers per fruit. The content of soluble solid is 15.4%, the soluble sugar content is 12.6%, the content of total acid is 0.39%, average fruit firmness is 9.8 kg. cm-2, Vitamin C is 0.043 8 mg· g-l. Quality is excellent. The fruit development period is 165 d and it matures at the end October in Xiongyue Liaoning area; germination rate is 62.3%, branching ability is medium. The resistance to cold is between its parents, stronger than 'Yueshuai' and weaker than 'Han- fu'. It is resistant to powdery mildew, Valsa mali, early-falling disease and trunk canker. The fruit has very long storage-life, cold storage life is 6 months, after storage the fruit is quite good quality. It is a late mature cuhivar with durable storage. Suitable cultivation area is similar like Dashiqiao and south of Linghai. this variety can bear fruits 3 years after planted, four-year trees has high yield potential of 19 335 kg· hm-1 Orchard should choose neutral sandy soil which is flat or less sloping and has ability of moisture and fertil-izer retention, spacing in the rows and spacing between rows ate 3 m×4 m, the configuration of pollinizer is ‘Fuji' ‘ Gala'‘ Golden Delicious'‘ Yuanyanghong' and ' Hanfu'. Tree figure of standard rootstock is suitable freedom spindle shape and that one of close planting garden is suitable long and thin spindle. This cultivar branches are soft and spread. It is fit for shaping and blooming to fruit. After fruiting, it will refresh branches, keep fruit abilities of branches and improve quality of fruits. Limited reasonable load within 45 000 kg" hm-2. Spraying calcium on leaves and fruits can effectively reduce the occurrence rate of 'Yueguan' water core. Generally fruit bags can be taken off before 15-20 days of mature, and color of fruits is best. Fruits can be picked in the late of October.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1321-1323,共3页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 国家苹果产业技术体系晚熟育种岗位专家项目(CARS-28)
关键词 苹果 新品种 '岳冠’ 晚熟 Apple New cuhivar ‘ Yueguan' Late ripening
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