
武汉城市群的区域性城市化特征及其动力机制 被引量:11

Region-based urbanization and mechanism of Wuhan urban agglomeration
摘要 本文从城市化的角度,认为中国的城市群可以被认为是发生了区域性城市化的地域。并以武汉城市群为案例,分析了其区域性城市化的表现特征及其动力机制。具体表现特征分别为:人口向区域集聚的趋势初显;区域性的非农就业转化特征明显;区域城市化水平提升,城乡建设用地在区域范围内扩张。进一步的动力机制分析发现,这一区域城市化过程的动力分别为:内驱力主导下的经济快速增长、开发区引领下重工业为主的经济结构转化、以及明显改善的交通运输条件带动下节点区域的工业增长。基于固定效用模型的进一步研究发现,不同于外资促动下的沿海地区城市群发展,武汉城市群的经济增长更主要的是受国内力量驱动,而其原乡村地区的城乡转化则主要受地方经济发展、交通通讯条件改善和出口增长的影响。 Along with economic globalization and the development of information technology,mega-urban regions have become the main spatial unit of regional competition. Most studies of this in China have focused on coastal areas and less is known about central China. From the perspective of urbanization,China's urban agglomerations are believed to be those areas where regional urbanization has taken place around major core cities. Using Wuhan urban agglomeration as a focal area and population census and social economic data,we demonstrated the characteristics of regional urbanization and explored underlying mechanisms. We found that Wuhan urban agglomeration is characterized by an initial trend of regional concentration of population;regional economic restructuring of employment;and improvement of urbanization level with the involvement of original rural areas which can be demonstrated in urban land use changes in other related study. Mechanism analyses show that this regional urbanization in Wuhan urban agglomeration may include economic growth driven by domestic forces;economic restructuring mainly focused on heavy industries in development zones;and industrial development in major nodes mainly driven by obvious improvements transportation conditions. Based on a fixed effect model,we found that different from the foreign-oriented coastal mega-urban regions,the economic development of Wuhan urban agglomeration is driven by domestic forces,and that the rural-urban transformation of its original rural areas is mainly driven by local economic development,the improvement of transportation and export development.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1948-1961,共14页 Resources Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41001094) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(SKZZY20140) 2015年度创新强校工程项目(2015K QNCX118) 城市绿色发展科技战略研究北京市重点实验室资助项目
关键词 区域性城市化 城市群 巨型城市区域 动力机制 武汉 region-based urbanization urban agglomeration mega-urban region mechanism Wuhan
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