
基于Voronoi图的室内布局评价方法 被引量:1

Evaluation Method for Interior Layout Based on Voronoi Diagram
摘要 三维室内模型可以用于指导现实生活中的室内物体布局。由于室内场景布局问题自身的评价指标存在多态性和模糊性,难以用精确的数据来评价一个室内场景布局方案的优劣。为了从使用者的角度对室内场景布局进行客观的评价,提出一种基于Voronoi图的室内布局评价方法、结合室内设计领域和机器人路径规划领域的知识,使用Voronoi图在室内场景中规划动线,用仿真计算的方法从场景中动线的通畅度、平滑度以及区域分布均匀度等方面对场景布局方案进行客观评价。 Three-dimensional interior model can be used to guide the indoor objects layout in real life. It is hard to evaluate an interior layout by a precise data because of the polymorphism and fuzzy of the evaluation problem of interior layout itself. In order to evaluate an interior layout objectively from the user's view, an evaluation method for interior layout was proposed based on Voronoi Diagram. This method combined the knowledge of interior design and robot path planning, and generated moving lines in the scene by Voronoi Diagram. It could evaluate the interior layout objectively from aspects of patency, smoothness of moving lines.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期2356-2361,2368,共7页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金(61532002) 863计划(2013AA013902 2015AA016405)
关键词 VORONOI图 室内布局 动线 布局评价 Voronoi Diagram interior layout moving lines evaluation for layout
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