
基于案例推理及距离场的家居在线布局方法 被引量:3

Online Furniture Layout Method Based on Case-based Reasoning and Distance Fields
摘要 针对家居在线自动布局的实时响应等需求,提出了基于案例推理及距离场的布局方法。归纳出耦合型、矩阵型和围合型三种局部布局模式。通过构建数学模型,将其与案例推理技术结合求解耦合型布局模式;给出了矩阵型布局模式求解算法;应用距离场拟合出室内地面能量分布函数,结合拟人摆放规则对围合型布局模式进行求解。然后,将场景布局问题分解成若干个局部布局模式,对其进行求解、纽合,得到该场景的布局。通过实验验证,该方法布局结果与真实案例相近、鲁棒性强、运行时间可满足在线布局的实时响应需求。 A furniture layout method based on case-based reasoning and distance fields was proposed to meet online real-time response requirements. Three partial layout modes were summarized. Coupling layout mode was solved using case-based reasoning combined and mathematical model; matrix layout mode and furniture spacing algorithm were proposed; enclosed layout mode was solved using a personification rules and energy distribution function based on distance fields. Scene layout was divided into several partial layout modes, which were solved and synthetized. Experimental results show that effect of the method is similar to the real design case, and the method is robust, and the method computation time can meet the real-time response requirements of the online furniture layout.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期2438-2447,共10页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金(61272270)
关键词 家居布局 布局模式 案例推理 距离场 furniture layout layout mode Case-based Reasoning distance fields
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