
利于水稻氮素吸收的绿肥翻压量和施氮水平研究 被引量:28

Optimum combination of winter green manure plowed and nitrogen application levels for high nitrogen uptake and utilization in rice
摘要 【目的】紫云英是我国南方稻区重要的冬季绿肥,具有固定碳素、改善土壤物理性状、提高土壤养分含量等效果,能为后茬水稻提供良好的生长环境。本研究为探明水稻对氮素的吸收利用特性,为水稻高产栽培中氮肥的合理运筹和水稻氮素营养性状改良提供依据。【方法】在"紫云英–双季稻"耕作制度轮作土壤上,进行田间4×4双因素裂区试验。每小区收获的紫云英全部翻压为100%翻压,设不翻压、翻压30%、60%、100%4个水平;每个翻压水平处理下,设置不施氮肥、施常规氮量(N 150 kg/hm^2)的30%、60%和100%,共16个处理。分别在分蘖期、孕穗期、抽穗期、灌浆期、成熟期取水稻植株样品,调查水稻氮素吸收利用特性。【结果】水稻群体干物积累量随生育进程处理间差异逐渐增大。抽穗期以M_(30%)+N0处理最高,M_(60%)+N_(60%)处理次之,对照(M0+N0)最低,此阶段是水稻群体物质积累量全生育期中差异最大的时期,最高的M_(30%)+N_0处理较对照和其他处理平均高79.02%和45.04%,此阶段的干物质积累量占总干物质积累量的比例为23.19%~44.23%。分蘖期、灌浆期和成熟期干物积累量均以M_(60%)+N_(60%)处理最高,对照最低,在成熟期M_(60%)+N_(60%)处理群体总干物质重为13.14 t/hm^2,较对照高53.15%。不同生育期水稻植株含氮量和吸氮量处理间不同。孕穗期、抽穗期和成熟期植株含氮量均以M_(60%)+N_(60%)处理最高,较其他处理平均分别高20.71%、14.84%和15.44%;分蘖期、孕穗期、抽穗期和成熟期植株吸氮量也以M_(60%)+N_(60%)处理最高,对照最低,氮肥与冬种绿肥有显著协同效应。水稻氮素阶段吸收量及其占总吸收量的比例存在明显差异。分蘖期前、孕穗至抽穗期和抽穗至成熟期均是紫云英翻压60%+施氮60%处理的吸收量高于其他处理,平均分别高29.89%、79.46%和121.1%;而分蘖至孕穗期是M100%+N100%处理达到最大,较其他处理平均高51.87%。【结论】综合来看,供试条件下,在"紫云英–双季稻"种植体系中,M_(60%)+N_(60%)处理能够提高氮肥利用效率,改善稻田氮素循环,对于实现水稻氮素高效吸收和利用具有重要意义。 【Objectives】Milk vetch is an important winter green manure crop in the southern rice region of China, which can fix carbon, improve soil physical properties and increase soil nutrient contents. It could also provide a suitable environment for the succeeding rice crop. Characterization of nitrogen(N) uptake and use in rice could provide the basis for optimal N fertilizer application and for significant improvement in N nutrition forhigh-yield cultivation.【Methods】Completely field experiments of 4 × 4 two-factor were performe continuously for four years in four different sites under milk vetch-double rice cropping system. The returnin proportion of the whole harvested milk vetch was set at 0, 30%, 60% and 100%; in each returning level, 0, 30%60% and 100% of the conventional N fertilizer application rate(N 150 kg/hm^2)in this region were set up to form16 treatments in total and triplicate with each treatment. The N uptake in the tillering, heading, filling and maturit periods of rice was analyzed and N fertilizer use efficiency was calculated.【Results】In the tillering, filling an maturity periods, the highest dry matter accumulation was all from the treatment of M_(60%) + N_(60%), and the lowes from M0N0, except that in the heading period the highest one was from M_(30%) + N_0. With the growth elongation, th difference among the treatments in dry matter accumulation became large. At maturity, the highest population dr matter, weighed 13.14 t/hm^2, was in the 60%M + 60%N, which was 53.15% higher than that in control. Als during these periods, the difference in dry matter accumulation of rice under different nitrogen application level and winter green manure system was the greatest. Dry matter accumulation of M_(30%) + N_0 was 79.02% and 45.04%higher than that of M_0N_0 and the average of all the other treatments, respectively. The ratio of dry matte accumulation to total dry matter in the heading to filling period ranged from 23.19%–44.23%. N content in ric plants was maximized in the booting, heading and maturity periods in treatment of M_(60%) + N_(60%), which wa20.71%, 14.84% and 15.44% higher than the average of other treatments, respectively. Correspondingly, th highest N uptake was in treatment of M_(60%) + N_(60%) at tillering, booting, heading and maturity, and the lowest i control, N application and green manure showed significant synergy in N contents. Periodic N accumulation an its ratio in total N accumulation in treatment M_(60%) + N_(60%) were significantly higher than all other treatments in th before tillering, booting-heading and heading-maturity periods. In the tillering-booting period, the periodic N accumulation was 51.87% higher in the treatment M_(100%) + N_(100%) than the average of other treatments【Conclusions】Overall, the 60% of vetch plowed plus 60% of normal N application is effective in increasing N use efficiency and N recycling in the "milk vetch-double rice" system. Therefore, the combination should b recommended for achieving effective nitrogen uptake and utilization.
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期1187-1195,共9页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室开放课题(Y412201413) 国家科技支撑计划课题“鄱阳湖生态经济区绿色高效循环农业技术集成与示范”第1研究任务(2012BAD14B14-01)资助
关键词 施氮水平 冬种绿肥 氮素吸收利用特性 水稻 nitrogen application level winter green manure nitrogen uptake and utilization properties rice
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