
深化认识 落实责任 大力推进高校哲学社会科学创新发展

Deepen Understanding and Implement Responsibility to Promote the Development of University Philosophy and Social Science Innovation
摘要 习近平总书记在哲学社会科学工作座谈会上发表的重要讲话为做好新时期哲学社会科学工作提供了根本遵循和行动指南。哲学社会科学因其能为实践提供思想支撑,为建设世界一流大学提供动力支撑,为确立正确的世界观提供方向支撑,为做好立德树人工作提供价值支撑,所以高校必须从国家和高等教育发展的战略高度重视哲学社会科学工作。创新发展哲学社会科学不仅是哲学社会科学工作者的重要责任,也是全体教育工作者、青年学子及高校自身的重要责任。落实责任要加强政治引领,不断巩固马克思主义在哲学社会科学领域的指导地位;要强化问题导向,加强对哲学社会科学的引导管理;要树立正确的价值导向,营造良好学术环境;要加大投入,完善哲学社会科学工作保障机制。 The important speech made by the general secretary Xi Jinping in the Symposium of Philosophy and Social Science has provided a fundamental follow and a guide to action for the improvement of philosophy and social science in the new stage.Therefore,this paper suggests that universities should attach great importance to the work of philosophy of social science at strategic level from both national and the development of higher education aspects,because great prac-tice needs philosophy and social science to be the support of thought,the building of a world -class university needs philosophy and social science to be the support of power,the establishment of a correct view of the world needs direction of philosophy and social sciences as a support,and morality education needs philosophy and social sciences to be the support of value.In addition,this paper advises that it′s very important not only for philosophy and social science work-ers,but also for college students and college and university themselves to share the responsibility for the innovation and development of philosophy and social sciences.Finally,this paper proposes that we should implement leadership respon-sibility to strengthen political lead,consolidate continuously Marxist guiding status in the field of philosophy and social science,and we should strengthen problem -oriented solutions so as to guide philosophy and social science manage-ment,to set up a correct value guidance,to create a good academic environment,to increase investment,and to im-prove the safeguard mechanism for philosophy and social sciences.
作者 张迈曾
机构地区 西安交通大学
出处 《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期1-6,共6页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University:Social Sciences
关键词 哲学社会科学 高校 马克思主义 创新发展 philosophy and social sciences colleges and universities Marxism innovation and development
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  • 1习近平.在哲学社会科学工作座谈会上的讲话[EB/OL].http://news.xinhumaet.eom/politics/2016-05/18/e_1118891128.htm.
  • 2习近平:核心价值观其实就是一种德国无德不兴[EB/OL].(2014—05—05)[2015—06—12].http://news.enorth.com.cn/system/2014/05/05/011861475.shtml.









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