

Ka-band wideband power amplifier MMIC using capacitive coupled matching structure
摘要 采用容性耦合匹配结构,基于0.1μm GaAs pH EMT工艺设计了一个Ka波段三级宽带功率放大器MMIC.为了辅助宽带功放设计,提出了一组公式来分析这一匹配结构.在展示的功放中,此结构同时实现了宽频带和高效率.功放处于饱和状态时,测得在32~40 GHz频率范围内的PAE大于30%,功率增益超过15.5dB,功率约20 dB m.这一结果证明了这种设计方法的有效性. Adopting the capacitive coupled matching structure,a Ka-band wideband three-stage power amplifier(PA) MMIC was designed by 0. 1μm GaA s pH EMT process in this paper. To facilitate the design of wideband PA,a set of formulas was proposed to analyze this matching structure. This structure achieves wide operating band and high power-added efficiency( PAE) simultaneously in the presented PA. The measured saturation PAE is upon30% over 32 ~ 40 GHz with 20 dB m output power and more than 15. 5 dB power gain,which demonstrates the effectiveness of this design skill.
出处 《红外与毫米波学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期529-533,共5页 Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves
基金 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(61271034)
关键词 耦合谐振器匹配 宽带功放 高效率 KA波段 MMIC coupled resonator matching wideband power amplifier gigh efficiency ka-Band MMIC
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