
异构信号处理平台软件体系架构的分析与研究 被引量:1

Analysis and Research of Software Architecture Based on Heterogeneous Communication Processing Platform
摘要 无线通信体制更新换代速度快,复杂的信号处理要求软硬件不断升级,研制成本与周期面临挑战。为应对多体制无线通信的快速发展,基于软件化定义的信号处理平台成为近年来的研究热点,以期实现软硬件的最大共享。文章主要研究了国内外典型的通信软件体系架构,分析了其关键技术与架构特点,提出了未来软件体系架构的主要研究方向。 With the fast updating of wireless communication systems, complex data processing re- quires continuous upgrade on hardware and software, which leads to high development cost and long lead time. Facing multiple wireless communication systems, software defined signal processing platform has been a research hotspot. Classical software architectures are introduced, whose key techniques as well as characteristics are analyzed. By analyzing existing architectures, the development tendency of prospective software architecture is proposed.
机构地区 信息工程大学
出处 《信息工程大学学报》 2016年第4期465-471,共7页 Journal of Information Engineering University
关键词 软件体系架构 软件无线电 异构平台 软件开发 software architecture SDR heterogeneous platform software development
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