目的 分析老年气管插管和切开患者痰不动杆菌属药敏结果,更好地指导临床合理应用抗生素、方法 对30例老年气管插管患者痰培养的32株不动杆菌及55例气管切开患者痰培养的86株不动杆菌药敏进行分析。结果 不动杆菌属对环丙沙星、亚胺培南敏感率为100%;对阿米卡星敏感率为91.48%;庆大霉素敏感率为91.38%;甲氧苄啶敏感率79.76%、头孢他啶71.05%、哌拉西林72.52%;不动杆菌属对氨苄西林、头孢唑林钠、头孢噻肟钠、头孢曲松钠、头孢呋辛钠、头孢哌酮钠、氨曲南耐药率均在80%~100%。结论 不动杆茵属对环丙沙星、亚胺培南、阿米卡星、庆大霉素敏感;对头孢他啶、哌拉西林、甲氧华苄敏感率>70%;不动杆菌属对大多数青霉素类及头孢菌素类抗生素耐药较高。
OBJECTIVE To analyse drug-sensitivity of Acinetobacter in the elder patients with tracheal cannula and incision for instructive clinicans using antibiotics more reasonable. METHODS Analysing 32 strains drug sensitivity of Acinetobacter in 30 case patients with tracheal cannula and 86 strains drug sensitivity of Acinetobacter in 55 case patients with tracheal incision. RESULTS Sensitivity rates of ciprofloxacin, imipenem for Acinetobacter were 100%, amikacin 91. 48%, gentamicin 91. 38%, trimethoprim 79. 76%, ceftazidime 71. 05%, piperacillin 72. 52%. But the resistant rates of ampicillin, cefazolin, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime and cefoperazone for acinetobac-ter are from 80% to 100%. CONCLUSIONS Sensitive antibiotics for Acinetobacter are ciprof loxacin, imipenem, amikacin, gentamicin. More than 70% sensitivity rates antibiotics to Acinetobacter are ceftazidime, piperacillin, trimethoprim. Most antibiotics of penicillins and cephalosporins were drug-resistant to Acinetobacter.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology