多聚磷酸(PPA)是改善沥青材料性能的手段之一.国内外主要采用PG分级指标或PG指标与针入度分级指标相结合的方式研究PPA添加量、PPA等级对改性沥青性质的影响.温度对PPA改性沥青性质变化规律的文献比较少.在140 ~240℃温度范围内采用两个剂量研究PPA对高温性能包括软化点、60℃、135℃的影响,研究发现:在不同的温度区间,改性沥青高温性能对温度的响应不同,在180~220℃之间改性沥青性质不稳定,推荐改性温度在140~160℃之间;与基质沥青相比,PPA改性可以显著提高沥青材料的高温抗永久变形阻力,PPA添加量越高高温性能改善越显著.
Polyphosphoric Acid (PPA) is one of the additives to modify the performance of asphalt materials. Domestic and overseas, the combination of PG performance - grading system and penetration - grading system or single PG performance - grading system were usually adopted in evaluating the grade and dosage effects of PPA on the performance of modified asphalt. There were short of researches on temperature effects on PPA modified asphalt performance change rule. From 140℃ to240℃, two different dosages of PPA was added in modified asphalt to study the high -temperature performance: softening point, 60℃ viscosity and 135℃ viscosity. The results showed: the changes of high - temperature performance in different temperature interval were different. The asphalt were unstable from 180℃ to 220℃. We recommend the modifying temperature is from 140℃ to 160℃. Compared with basic asphalt, PPA significantly improved the high -temperature furrow resistance, the more PPA, the more significant.
Petroleum Asphalt
Polyphosphoric Acid (PPA)
modified asphalt
high -temperature performance