
基于需求的三级映射管理的闪存转换层算法 被引量:1

Three-level mapping management flash translation layer algorithm based on demands
摘要 使用NAND Flash作为存储介质的存储设备常需要闪存转换层(FTL)对NAND进行管理.页映射是一种常见的映射方式,但需要很大的内存存放页映射表.针对该问题,提出了基于需求的三级映射管理的闪存转换层算法(TFTL).映射表保存在NAND闪存块中,减轻SRAM的压力,采用页置换法把需求的映射表搬移到SRAM中.由TFTL算法与Page mapping FTL、FAST、DFTL的对比分析可知:NAND闪存块擦除次数均衡性较好,系统响应时间和系统响应时间的标准差与Page mapping FTL等算法差异小. Flash translation layer(FTL) is always needed when NAND Flash is used in a memory device. Page level transla-tion is the most popular, but needs a large RAM to store mapping table. A three-level mapping management FTL based on the requirement (TFTL) is presented. The mapping tables stored in the NAND block to relieve pressure for SRAM and the page displacement method is used to move the mapping table in NAND block to SRAM. Com-pared with Page mapping FTL, DFTL and FAST, TFTL has a better performance on the NAND wear leveling. The system response time, and the standard deviation of system response time of TFTL have little difference with those of Page mapping FTL.
作者 韩晓军 王举利 张南 高会娟 HAN Xiao-jun WANG Ju-li ZHANG Nan GAO Hui-juan(School of Electronics and Information Engineering,Tianjin Polytechnic University,Tianjin 300387, China Beijing Zhaoyi Innovation Science and Technology Co Ltd(GigaDevice),Beijing 100083, China)
出处 《天津工业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期66-71,共6页 Journal of Tiangong University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61405144)
关键词 三级映射管理 NAND闪存 闪存转换层 地址映射 垃圾回收 磨损均衡 three-level mapping management NAND flash flash translation layer(FTL) address mapping garbage col-lection wear leveling
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