
论旅游地学与地质公园的创立及发展,兼论中国地质遗迹资源——为庆祝中国地质科学院建院60周年而作 被引量:75

The Establishment and Development of Tourism Earth-science and Geopark, and Geoheritage Resources in China: Celebrating the 60^(th) Anniversary of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
摘要 笔者从中国地质科学院建立之始,就随着地质部陈列馆(即现中国地质博物馆)划归中国地质科学院领导,而成为其创始研究人员,60年来从没离开过,因此见证了其全部历史。在中国地质科学院工作过程中,以笔者为主,利用中国地质科学院的学科优势和挂靠单位中国地质学会学术团体这个全国性学术交流平台的有利条件,将地球科学运用到为中国旅游业发展服务中去,从而创立了一门地学与旅游相结合的新学科——旅游地学(Tourism Earth-science);在旅游地学理论指导下,提出了建立地质公园的建议和一整套实施方案,经过艰辛努力,终于促使地质公园得以建立;地质遗迹是建立地质公园和发展旅游业的重要地质资源,是旅游地学的主要研究对象。旅游地学与地质公园都是中国地质工作者的首创,是中国地质科学院的重大科学研究成果之一,其在中国地质工作发展史上具有里程碑意义。本文将旅游地学和地质公园产生的历史背景、研究内容、发展过程、建设现状与国内外发展趋势,以及地质遗迹资源的类型划分、评价准则、形成与分布规律、应用保护现状综述如下,以作为献给中国地质科学院建院60周年的礼物。 In the early stage of the founding of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, I started working herewith the museum staff of Ministry of Geology (The Geological Museum of China), as a leader and one of theearliest researchers. During the 60 years, I witnessed the whole developing history of Chinese Academy ofGeological Sciences. With the discipline advantage of Chinese Geological Sciences, and the convienient platformof Geological Society of China, the writer and other researchers applieded geosciences into tourism industry.Then, Tourism Earth-science was established, which combined geosciences and tourism; under the guidance ofTourism Earth-science, geopark construction suggestions and a whole set of implementation plan was proposed.Finally, geoparks were built after hard work; Geoheritage was the important geological resource to built geoparksto booste tourism, and the main research object of Tourism Earth-science. Tourism Earth-science and geoparkwere both originated by Chinese geoscience researchers, and one of the most important scientific researches ofChinese Academy of Geological Sciences, with milestone significance in the development of Chinese geologystudy. In this paper, the following content was included, the historical backgrounds, research content,development process, construction status, and developing trend at home and abroad, as well as the classification, evaluation standard, development, distribution regularites, application and converstion status of the geoheritageresources, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences.
作者 陈安泽 CHEN An-ze(Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037)
机构地区 中国地质科学院
出处 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期535-561,共27页 Acta Geoscientica Sinica
关键词 旅游地学 地质公园 国家地质公园 地质遗迹 地质景观 Tourism Earth-science geopark national geopark geoheritage geological landscape
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