丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C Virus,HCV)是慢性丙型病毒性肝炎的主要病因,也是引发肝硬化和肝癌的主要诱因。在HCV感染过程中,伴随着干扰素信号通路的激活和干扰素刺激基因(IFN-stimulated gene,ISG)的持续表达,且有HCV独特的免疫逃逸和免疫细胞的功能损伤。现就HCV感染过程中机体的固有免疫反应和适应性免疫反应的研究进展作一综述。
Hepatitis C virus ( HCV) is a leading cause for chronic hepatitis C , which is also a major inducing cause to re-sult in cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. In the process of HCV infection, along with activated interferon signaling pathways and constitutive IFN-stimulated gene( ISG) expression, both the viral escape from the immune responses and dys-function of NK and T cell most likely contribute to the ongoing liver disease. In this review, we will summarize current knowledge about the role of innate and adaptive immune responses in HCV infection.
Progress In Microbiology and Immunology