
略论网络恐怖主义 被引量:1

摘要 在界定恐怖主义时,普遍强调传达恐怖信息,造成社会恐慌。由于缺少胁迫和威吓要素,互联网上的黑客行为很难被界定为恐怖行为。不过在技术上借助互联网发动恐怖攻击并非毫无可能。越来越多的基础设施已经联网,一旦控制这些设施的系统被恐怖分子控制,他们很容易发动恐怖袭击,造成人员伤亡等毁灭性的后果。目前已经有通过攻击网站传达政治恐吓的先例。除此以外,已经出现恐怖组织借助互联网完成情报搜集、通信、宣传等多项任务。在物理上隔绝信息系统是防范网络恐怖活动的重要方法,但这也不能杜绝网络恐怖活动。而目前的国内法在打击网络恐怖主义方面还存在障碍,涉及国家主权争议,需要加以完善。 In the conventional definition of terrorism, the key elements are coercion and intimidation. Because of lack of them, the hacking, harass and annoy information could not be categorized as terrorism. Meanwhile, it is possible to attack online to the critical infrastructures. The increasing number of infrastructures connected to inter- net accompanies a new risk, once it is compromised by terrorists, it will inflict significant harm to persons or prop- erty by attacking the victim' s information systems. There have been incidents of convey political information by hacking. The terrorists also use cyberspace in furtherance of terrorism. The intelligence, communications, propa- ganda, etc. can be enhanced via internet. The physical air -gap to internet is useful, but by no means ideal way of counter - cyberterrorism. The domestic law is not adequate to combat cyber terrorism for the sovereignty issues.
作者 皮特·戈拉博斯基 迈克尔·斯托尔 陈波(译) Peter Grabosky Michael Stohl
出处 《河南警察学院学报》 2016年第4期55-61,共7页 Journal of Henan Police College
关键词 网络 恐怖主义 基础设施 法律防范 cyberspace terrorism critical infrastructures legal prevention
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