
思想之累:东西之争之于俄罗斯国家认同的意义 被引量:4

Load of Thought: Significance of the Debate between the East and West for the National Identity of Russia
摘要 19世纪中期斯拉夫派和西方派的历史论战对俄罗斯国家认同产生了深远影响。每当俄罗斯处于社会大变革之际,东西之争就会凸显,国家在发展道路上面临"西方"和"东方"的选择。十月革命后布尔什维克以全新的理念建立了苏联这个新的政治和文化共同体,平息并超越了传统的东西之争。但是从思想脉络而言,布尔什维克可以说是新的历史条件下的西方派,它构建的国家认同抽离了传统文化基础。东西之争在苏联时期没有因为受到压制而中断,在戈尔巴乔夫的改革年代重新兴起,并一直延续到今天。东西之争是俄罗斯人在帝国语境下形成的话语结构,作为俄罗斯构建国家认同的历史遗产,它也是沉重的思想包袱。俄罗斯要走出东西之争,首先须走出帝国。 The historical debate between Slavophiles and Westernizers in the mid 19th century has caused profound influence to the national identity of Russia. Every time when Russia was during the great social transformation, the debate between Slavophiles and Westernizers would become prominent, and the country would face the choices between the "west" and the "east". After the October Revolution, Bolshevik established Soviet Union, the new political and cultural community, with bran new concept, making the traditional east and west debate calm down. However, in terms of the thinking venation, Bolshevik can be said as the Westernizers under the new historicalconditions, and the national identity constructed by it has been separated from the traditional culture basis. The debate between the east and west was not been interrupted by suppression during the Soviet Union period, it rose again in the reform period of Gorbachev and was continuously extended to today. The debate between the east and west was the discourse structure formed under the empire context. As the historical heritage of Russia's construction of national identity, it was also the heavy mental load. To walk out of the debate between the east and west, Russia must walk out of the empire first.
作者 张昊琦
出处 《俄罗斯学刊》 2016年第5期35-46,共12页 Academic Journal of Russian Studies
关键词 俄罗斯 国家认同 东西之争 斯拉夫派 西方派 文化认同 Russia national identity debate between the east and west Slavophiles Westemizers cultural identity
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