
新疆地区常见蜱种生态景观分布调查 被引量:13

A survey of tick species and its distribution with the landscape structure in Xinjiang
摘要 目的调查新疆地区不同生境蜱的种类和数量组成,分析不同自然区划中优势种或常见种的景观分布特点。方法于2011-2015年每年的4-6月,在新疆南部地区的和硕县和尉犁县以及新疆北部地区的博乐市、哈巴河县、布尔津县、富蕴县、霍城县、玛纳斯县、乌苏县、乌鲁木齐县共14个调查点,采用布旗法和人工诱捕法采集游离蜱,宿主体表检查法采集寄生蜱,通过形态学特征对蜱标本进行种类鉴定。结果在14个调查点共采集成蜱8 667只,隶属于5属13种,其中全沟硬蜱和图兰扇头蜱数量最多,分别占捕获总数的20.08%和19.75%;其次为边缘革蜱(17.76%)和森林革蜱(16.45%);具沟血蜱、盾糙璃眼蜱、刻点血蜱和俄扇头蜱数量极少,共占0.40%。采集的蜱分布在天山及伊犁河谷区、阿尔泰山地区、准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地。天山山地荒漠化草原以图兰扇头蜱(99.68%)为优势种,山地针阔叶混交林以全沟硬蜱(88.28%)为优势种,伊犁天山谷地阔叶林以嗜群血蜱(82.42%)为优势种;阿勒泰山地区山地亚荒漠带以银盾革蜱为主(82.64%),山地草原分布为边缘革蜱(100%),山地森林草原分布为森林革蜱(55.56%)和边缘革蜱(44.44%)。准噶尔盆地以图兰扇头蜱(52.44%)、亚洲璃眼蜱(44.07%)为优势种。塔里木盆地盐渍化荒地、荒漠化草原以扇头蜱属(84.76%)为优势种,塔里木河流域胡杨林生境仅发现亚洲璃眼蜱。结论根据蜱分布地区和生境类型分析,4个自然区划中优势种和常见种不同,每种蜱的分布具有独特的生态景观特点。新疆地区蜱生态景观分布特点明显,生态景观类型与蜱及蜱传疾病的种类和分布密切相关。 Objective To grasp relationship between the tick species distribution and the distinctive landscape through a survey on ticks from different environments in Xinjiang. Methods Ticks were collected in 10 counties and cities throughout Xinjiang, including Hoxud county and Yuli county in southern Xinjiang and Bole, Habahe, Buerjin, Fuyun, Huocheng, Manas, Wusu and Urumqi in northern Xinjiang between April and June from 2011 to 2015. Free-living ticks were captured by drag-flag and men-bait trap, ticks parasiting in animals were collected from body surface of domestic animals. All ticks were identified morphologically. Results A total of 8 667 ticks belonging to 13 species of 5 genera, were collected from 14 sites of 10 counties in Xinjiang. Ixodes persulcatus and Rhipicephalus turanicus were the predominant species accounting for 20.08% and 19.75% respectively, followed by Dermacentor marginatus and D. silvarum accounting for 17.76% and 16.45% respectively. Hyalomma scupense, Haemaphysalis sculcata, H. punctate and Rhipicephalus rossicus were rare species accounting altogether for 0.40%. Ticks were distributed in Tianshan Mountain and Yili Tianshan valley region, Altai Mountain, Junggar Basin and Tarim Basin. The predominant species was Rh. turanicus (99.68%) in desert steppe of Tianshan Mountain, I. persulcatus (88.28%) was the predominant in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, Ha. concinna (82.42%) in broad-leaved forest of Yili Tianshan valley. Dermacentor niveus (82.64%) in sub desert zone, D. marginatus (100%) in upland meadow, and D. silvarum (55.56%) and D. marginatus (44.44%) in upland steppe of Altai Mountain. Rhipicephalus turnnicus (52.44%) and Hy. asiaticum asiaticum (44.07%) were the predominant species in arid land of Junggar Basin; Rhipicephalus (84.76%) in desert steppe and farmland in Tarim Basin, and Hy. asiaticum asiaticum was the only species found in diversifolia in Tarim River. Conclusion It was showed that different predominant species were found distinctively in 4 landscape regionalizations through studying the number of the tick species and the distributional environment type, and the species of tick and tick-borne diseases were determined by the landscape structure in Xinjiang.
出处 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS CSCD 2016年第5期432-435,共4页 Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control
基金 国家自然科学基金(U1303104)~~
关键词 地理分布 生态景观 Tick Distribution Landscape structure
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