
遗产旅游动机的核心-边缘结构研究——以丽江为例 被引量:27

The Core-Periphery Structure of Heritage Tourism Motivation in Lijiang
摘要 遗产旅游动机存在着一个核心-边缘结构,核心动机源自遗产属性,而边缘动机与遗产属性关系不大。既有研究虽已认识到这个结构,但对于动机如何从属性而来的过程却关注不多。文章采用方法-目的链研究方法,以丽江为案例地,对该结构进行探讨。方法-目的链主张从属性到结果再到价值这样的层级性建构,可还原游客动机的产生过程。研究发现,游客动机来自丽江多个方面的属性:遗产属性、遗产相关属性和遗产无关属性。这些属性往往被综合起来提到,游客同时被这些属性吸引而不是单单被遗产属性所吸引。逃离和归属感这两个在理论上看应该是核心动机价值,但追溯其属性却发现产生这些价值的也包括非遗产属性。而寻求艳遇、成就感和寻找自我这些在理论上看似与核心动机无关的价值,却与遗产属性和遗产相关属性关系密切。这说明游客对遗产进行了遗产客观价值以外的建构。 A core-periphery structure exists in heritage tourism motivation, in which four types of tourist motivations are identified according to their relations to heritage attributes. The first type of motivations is not activated by heritage attributes and the tourists are also not aware of these attributes. The second kind of motivations still relates little to heritage but the tourists know much about heritage attributes. The third type is activated by heritage attributes but tourists do not perceive these attributes as parts of their own. The forth group of tourists recognizes heritage as part of their own and is activated by heritage attributes. Among the aforementioned four, the first locates the most peripheral position and the forth is the core motivation. This structure has been realized by academics but less attention has been paid to the process how attributes activate motivations. This gap can be bridged by using means-end theory, which aims to understand why consumers choose some products through constructing three hierarchies- attribute, consequence, and value- and their relationships, to demonstrate the motivation-activated process specifically. This study adopts means-end theory as research method to explore the core-periphery structure of heritage tourism motivation in Lijiang. Soft- laddering interview was used as data-collecting method and 25 tourists were interviewed. Questions about attributes, consequences and values in tourist motivation to Lijiang were asked and tourists can answer these questions freely. The interview texts were analyzed by content analysis software, through which 124 motivation-related keywords were identified and classified into three hierarchies. Specifically, the hierarchies includes five attributes (such as Naxi ancient buildings, history and culture, special bars, guesthouses, nature and weather), six consequences (i.e. combination of noisy and peace, slow-life experience, sense of romance, sense of novelty, social interaction, and relaxation), and five values (e.g. pursuing romantic encounters, sense of belonging, escaping, self-identifying and achievement). The results show that motivations are always activated by multiple attributes instead of single attribute. Tourists tend to attribute their motivation to various Lijiang attributes. According to the theoretical perspective of core-periphery structure, the experience of slow life and its values - the sense of belonging and escaping- are the core motivations in Lijiang heritage tourism. But tracing back to their attributes, it is found that these motivations are activated by both heritage attributes and heritage- related attributes such as Naxi ancient buildings, history and culture, guesthouses, nature and weather and non-heritage attribute: special bars. Conversely, values like seeking opportunities of romantic encounters, self-identifying and achievement, which can be regarded as periphery motivations in the theory of core-periphery structure, have non-heritage attribute but also heritage attributes and heritage- related attributes. Thus, it can be concluded that Lijiang has been constructed to contain more meaning than it has in objectivism. Further, this study argues that a post-modem paradigm should be considered to extend the objective criteria of heritage tourism to rethink the multiple aspects of heritage. Tourists' various perceptions of heritage may be admitted equally to understand multiple meaning the heritage can construct.
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第10期84-93,共10页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"旅游小企业创业的时空演变 影响因素及旅游目的地发展互动机制研究"(41371156)资助~~
关键词 遗产旅游 动机 核心-边缘结构 丽江古城 方法-目的链理论 heritage tourism motivation core-periphery structure Lijiang means-end theory
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