目的:探讨经脐单孔腹腔镜手术在小儿女性鞘状突未闭的临床应用结局。方法:2014年3月~2015年12月收治鞘状突未闭女性患儿50例。年龄1~11岁。单侧46例(腹股沟斜疝45例、Nuck囊肿1例),双侧4例。于脐左缘置入5 mm腹腔镜,采用硬膜外穿刺针于腹横纹插入并带入7号丝线环及2-0涤纶编织线,环形缝合后,于腹膜外高位结扎内环口。Nuck囊肿患儿,同法高位结扎鞘状突后经腹壁细针穿刺抽除囊液。结果:除2例疝囊大网膜粘连和3例滑疝外,均行经脐单孔腹腔镜手术,手术过程顺利。10例术中发现对侧隐性斜疝。手术时间单侧5~8 min,双侧8~13 min。术后随诊1~23个月,无并发症及复发病例。结论:经脐单孔腹腔镜治疗小儿女性鞘状突未闭,不延长手术时间,不增加麻醉风险,具有损伤更小、恢复更快、切口更隐蔽的优点。
Objective: To assess the clinical outcomes of transumbilical single-port laparoscopic hernioplasty in the treatment of patent processus vaginalis in female infants and children.Methods: Fifty female infants or children with patent processus vaginalis,aged from 1 to 11 years,were included from March2014 to December 2015,and treated with transumbilical single-port laparoscopic high ligation of hernia sac by using a epidural needle.Of the 50 patients,46 were unilateral vestige of vaginal process( 45 being indirect inguinal hearnia,1 being female hydrocele),and 4 contralateral inguinal region.Loop of 7-0 silk suture and polyester braided suture were guided into peritoneal cavity through extraperitoneal space by a epidural needle under the surveillance of micro-laparoscopy.For the patients with cyst of the canal of Nuck,high ligation of the hernia sac was performed,and a fine needle was used to aspirate the fluid in the sac via post-abdominal wall.Results: The operation was successfully completed in all cases except for 5 cases( 2 cases complicated with adhesions and 3 cases sliding hernia).Ten cases of contralateral patent processus vaginalis were found in procedure.The operative time was 5 to 8 min for unilateral cases,and 8 to 13 min for bilateral cases.Follow-up in one to 23 months showed no post-operative complications or relapse.Conclusion: Transumbilical single-port laparoscopic hernioplasty has a series of advantages in the treatment of female infants and children with patient processus vaginalis,including no additional operative time,fewer risks of anestheaia,less invasion,quick incision healing and good cosmetic results.
Journal of Wannan Medical College
single-port laparoscopy
transumbilical procedure
female children
patetn processus vaginalis