
露天矿采空区台阶爆破数值模拟分析 被引量:2

Open-pit Mine Goaf Blasting Numerical Simulation Analysis Steps
摘要 露天煤矿在开采的进程中,受到矿区周边许多小煤窑所遗留下来的采空区和巷道的影响,致使工作人员在有采空区或者巷道的区域内爆破时,发生了很多安全隐患。以安家岭露天矿生产过程中所遇到的情况为例,安家岭露天矿在工作帮不断推进的过程中,露天矿工作台阶或者是边帮下都出现了小煤窑开采留下的巷道和采空区,严重影响露天矿爆破效率和效益。就露天矿存在采空区和不存在采空区,在相同爆破条件下,通过Ls-dyna软件进行数值模拟,对其爆破效果做比较。 Open-pit coal mine in the process of mining, by many small mines mining area surrounding the legacy of mined-out area and the influence of the roadway, the staff in the goaf roadway area or blasting, happened many safe hidden trouble. Based on Anjialing encountered in the process of open- pit mine production, for example, Anjialing open-pit mine in the process of work to help to push, open pit mine work steps or appeared under the slope mining roadway and goaf left by small coal mines, the serious influence open-pit mine blasting efficiency and benefits.Mined-out area,the open pit mine goaf and does not exist in the same blasting conditions,the numerical simulations by Ls-dyna software,the blasting effect.
作者 郭靖 马利云
机构地区 吕梁学院
出处 《煤矿机械》 2016年第10期44-45,共2页 Coal Mine Machinery
基金 吕梁学院青年基金(ZRQN201505)
关键词 露天矿 采空区 数值模拟 爆破效果 open-pit goal numerical modeling blasting effect
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