
基于用人单位需求的财经类专业毕业生从业能力研究 被引量:1

On Business and Economics Students' Professional Ability from the Perspective of Employers' s Demand
摘要 作为规模最大的专业群,近年来财经类专业毕业生就业形势不容乐观。按照用人单位对人才的需求标准,提高人才培养质量是解决财经类专业就业难的根本途径。调查显示,用人单位高度重视财经类专业毕业生的敬业精神、职业道德等综合素质,其次是计算机和外语等通用能力。在专业能力当中,企业对会计财务和工商管理能力的重视程度超过了金融和国际贸易方面的能力。根据用人单位对毕业生从业能力的需求结构,构建学生综合素质培养体系和课程体系,修订教学大纲,改进教学方法,是财经类专业提高人才培养质量的现实选择。 As the largest professional group,in recent years the business graduates employment situation has been more and more serious. To improve the quality of the graduate is the basic way to solve the difficulty. According to the survey,the employers attach the greatest importance to the comprehensive qualities such as professional spirit and professional ethics,and the followed is the general ability such as computer and foreign language. Among the professional abilities,the employers paid more attentions to the accounting and management abilities. In accordance with the demand of employers,to construct the training system and curriculum system,to revising the syllabus,and to Improving teaching methods,is the realistic choice to improve the quality of graduates.
作者 董桂才
出处 《内蒙古财经大学学报》 2016年第5期74-78,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics
基金 安徽省教育厅省级教研项目(2014jyxm158)
关键词 财经类专业 人才培养质量 从业能力 the Major of Economics and Business the Quality of Graduates the Professional Ability
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