
2014年南充市在校大学生对性传播疾病认知度的调查 被引量:1

Awareness of sexual transmitted diseases among college students in Nanchong City,2014
摘要 目的了解南充市在校大学生对性传播疾病(STDs)的认知情况。 方法 在2014年9-11月采用整群分层抽样方法对川北医学院等四所高校1 675名学生采用自制问卷进行调查。调查内容包括:基本信息、STDs种类、传播途径、症状、预防措施、获取知识的途径、期望获取知识的途径等。采用Epidata2.0进行数据录入,应用SPSS13.0软件进行统计学分析,包括一般统计描述、率的计算、χ2检验。 结果 ①大学生对AIDS(93.9%)、淋病(81.4%)、梅毒(60.2%)的知晓率均较高,但对其他STDs种类(9.1%~43.2%)了解甚少,总体看来,男、女差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)、医学生与非医学生差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。②对STDs传播途径知晓率依次是性交(96.2%)、血液(88.7%)、母婴传播(82.2%),总体看来,男女、医学生与非医学生差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。③对STDs预防措施知晓率前3位依次为:洁身自好,遵守性道德(79.5%)、使用避孕套(73.4%)、避免共用注射器,拒绝毒品(73.0%), 总体看来,男女、医学生与非医学生差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。④40.7%认为STDs症状只存在于生殖器方面,医学生与非医学生差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。⑤STDs处理态度:90.6%的人去医院,4.5%的人去私人诊所等。 结论 南充市大学生对STDs基本知识有一定的了解,但其深度和广度上存在很大的欠缺,应加强教育其薄弱环节,充分了解和掌握STDs相关知识。 Objective To investigate the cognitive status of knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among college students in Nanchong City. Methods A total of 1,675 students from North Sichuan Medical College and other 3 colleges in Nanchong City were recruited by using a cluster-based stratified sampling method from September to November, 2014. A self-designed questionnaire survey was conducted to collect the information regarding demographic characteristics, the types of STDs, transmission routines, symptoms, preventive measures, the ways of acquired knowledge and the expected approaches of receiving knowledge. Epidata2.0 software was employed for data input, and SPSS13.0 software for statistical analysis, including general descriptive analysis, data calculation and Chi-square test. Results The awareness rates of AIDS (93.9%), gonorrhea (81.4%) and syphilis (60.2%) in the college students were all higher, but they knew little about other types of STDs (9.1%-43.2%). Generally speaking, no statistically significant difference was found in the awareness rate between males and females (P〉0.05), but there were statistically significant differences between medical students and non-medical students (P〈0.05). The awareness rates of transmission ways of STDs were as follows: intercourse (96.2%), blood (88.7%) and maternal-neonatal way (82.2%). Generally speaking, there were statistically significant differences in the awareness rate between males and females as well as between medical students and non-medical students (both P〈0.05). The top 3 awareness rates of preventive measures for STDs were sexual morality compliance (79.5%), condom use (73.4%), syringe sharing avoidance and drugs rejection (73.0%). Similarly, female students and medical students knew much more knowledge than male and non-medical students, with statistically significant differences (both P〈0.05). About 40.7% of the college students thought that STDs could only be manifested as genital symptoms, and there was a statistically significant difference in recognizing STD symptoms between medical students and non-medical students (P〈0.05). 90.6% of the college students thought that they would go to hospital for diagnosis and treatment when STDs occurred, while 4.5% to private clinics. Conclusions Although the students know about basic knowledge about STDs, a large gap in the depth and breadth of knowledge concerning STDs still exists. It is necessary to intensify the targeted health education with an attempt to comprehensively improve their STDs-related knowledge.
出处 《实用预防医学》 CAS 2016年第11期1335-1339,共5页 Practical Preventive Medicine
基金 川北医学院2015年教育教学改革重点课题(2015-12-14)
关键词 大学生 性传播疾病 认知度 健康教育 College student Sexually transmitted disease Cognition Health education
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