目的 :探讨准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术 (LASIK)矫治超高度近视 (- 10D以上近视 )的准确性和预测性。方法 :通过对 5 6例 (共 10 5眼 )术前屈光度 (等值球镜 ) - 10 0 0~ 2 6 0 0DS ,平均 13 4± 3 9DS近视患者采用LASIK治疗 ,随访一年。结果 :术后 1个月时裸眼视力达到术前矫正视力的为 81眼 ,占总眼数的 77 1% ;术后 6个月裸眼视力高于或等于术前的为 96只眼 ,占总眼数的 91 4 % ;其中高于术前的为 2 6眼 ,占总眼数的 2 4 8% ;而裸眼视力下降 1行以上的 6眼 ,占 5 8% ;其中 3例为不规则散光 ,2例角膜瓣制作不全 ,1例为角膜瓣层间脂类物残留 ,裸眼视力下降 2行以上的为 3眼 ,占总眼数的 2 9%。结论 :LASIK手术治疗高度近视具有较好的安全性及预测性 ,但手术操作及手术适应症的选择仍需谨慎从之。
Objective: Myopia is a short-sightedness condition and can now be treated by excimer laser keratomileusis to alter and to correct the curvature of corneal surface. This article is to evaluate the accuracy and predictability of laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for high myopia over -10.0 diopters). Methods: 105 eyes of 56 patients with compound myopia ranging -10.00 to-26.00 diopters(D)(mean -13.4 ±3.9D) were treated with LASIK and followed up for 12 months. Results: One months after LASIK, 81 eyes (77.1%) had achieved best-corrected visual acuity. Six months after LASIK, 96 eyes (91.4%) either exceeded or maintained best-corrected visual acuity. Of the 96 eyes, 26 eyes (24.8%) exceeded best-corrected visual acuity; 6 eyes (5.7%) decreased 1 line of visual acuity and 3 eyes (2.9%) 2 lines or more. Conclusions: Laser in situ keratomileusis for myopia over -10,0 diopters shows safety and efficacy. For getting excellent operation results, serious attention should be paid to selection of operation indications and manipulation skill.
Journal of Ningxia Medical College