
新兴经济后发企业战略与行为研究述评 被引量:1

The Research Review of Firm Strategy and Behavior in Emerging Economy Latecomer Firms
摘要 新兴经济在全球经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用,关注新兴经济后发企业的战略和行为不仅对新兴经济自身,乃至对全球协同发展都至关重要。文章对新兴经济后发企业的主要研究从制度理论、资源基础理论、能力基础理论、关系理论、交易成本理论、组织学习理论、溢出理论和创新理论等理论视角进行了分类梳理,分析了每种理论视角的主要研究内容、观点和所用方法以及不同研究视角之间的关系。最后基于新兴经济后发企业现实发展状况,从新兴经济管理情境和商业模式视角对未来研究进行了展望。 Emerging economies are playing a more and more important role in the global economy. It is important to study the strategyand behavior of latecomer firms in the emerging economy, which represented both the development of emerging economies and thedevelopment of the global economy. The study makes a classification research on the theories of latecomer firms in emerging economyfrom the perspective of the institutional theory, resource based theory, capability based theory, relationship theory, transaction costtheory, organization learning theory perspective, the spillover theory and Innovation Perspective, including their main research contents, views and methods. Also, the relationship among different research perspectives is analyzed. Finally, a future research prospectis created from the emerging economic management situation and the perspective of business model, based on the real state of latecomerfirms in emerging economy.
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期44-47,共4页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 国家社科基金青年资助项目(11CJY005)
关键词 新兴经济 后发企业 企业战略 战略管理 Emerging economies Latecomer firms Enterprise strategy Strategic management
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