The Theory of Contradiction was developed in the context that the whole nation were learning On Contradiction. It underwent two stages preparation stage and creation stage. In the preparation stage, the main task was to find out the contradictions in the practice of library work in order to solve them. At that time, Liu Guojun had paid attention to the contradiction problem in the storage and circulation of books. In 1962, Huang Zongzhong formal-ly put forward the Theory of Contradiction. The Theory of Contradiction has three historic achievements : expanding the methods and ways of theoretical study of library science, enhancing the development of library theory and prac-tice, and promoting theoretical study of library science. When the Theory of Element was misunderstood and criti-cized, the Theory of Contradiction well inherited and enriched its theory and research method.
The Library Journal of Shandong
Theory of Contradiction
Basic theory
History of library thought
Huang Zongzhong