
火箭发动机喷管摆动对侧向载荷的影响 被引量:2

Research on the influence of swing on side-load in rocket motor
摘要 针对实际环境下喷管存在不可避免的摆动情况,以VOLVO S1喷管为研究对象,基于动网格技术,采用CFD数值方法模拟了喷管摆动的非定常过程,在NPR=16的受限激波分离(RSS)情况下,进行了多方位计算研究,分析了喷管不同摆动状况下的内部流动分离与侧向载荷。结果表明,喷管摆动会显著影响侧向载荷,主要表现在侧向载荷随着摆动频率先增大、后减小,当喷管摆动频率接近喷管流动分离流场的特征频率时,侧向载荷达到最大值;同时,摆动条件下的侧向载荷随摆动振幅增加基本呈线性增大。此外,对不同摆动工况下侧向载荷的分析表明,侧向载荷主要来自收缩段。 Side-loads in nozzle can cause serious structural damage. Owing to the presence of the inevitable swing nozzle in the actual environmental situation, the unsteady flow field of the swinging nozzle, which is based on dynamic mesh technology, was simulated by taking VOLVO S1 nozzle as the object of study and adopting CFD numerical simulation method. Meanwhile, a multi- faceted computing research was conducted on the restricted shock separation (RSS) at NPR= 16. The internal nozzle flow separation and side-loads were analyzed under different swing states .The result shows that nozzle swing has notable effect on side-loads in noz- zle, which is mainly embodied as the followings: Side-load enhances first, then decreases later with swing frequency. The loads at- tain the maximum while nozzle swing frequency approaches the frequency of flow separation. Side-load increases linearly with swing amplitude. Besides, the research on the analysis of side-loads in different swinging working conditions shows that side-load mainly comes from the convergent part.
作者 刘华伟 叶正寅 叶坤 LIU Hua-wei YE Zheng-yin YE Kun(National Key Laboratory of Aerodynamic Design and Research, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China)
出处 《固体火箭技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期619-624,共6页 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(11272262)
关键词 喷管 非定常流场 侧向载荷 摆动 频率 振幅 nozzle unsteady flow field side-loads swing frequency amplitude
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