目的探究蒸发光散射(ELSD)测定浙贝母中贝母素甲、贝母素乙含量的可行性。方法色谱柱:Agilent Hypersil BDS-C18(4.0mm×250 mm,5μm);流动相:乙腈-水-二乙胺(65:35:0.03),ELSD检测器对浙贝母中贝母素甲、贝母素乙含量进行测定。结果来自金华磐安三批次样品贝母素甲平均百分含量为(0.124±0.07)%、贝母素乙平均百分含量为(0.061±0.004)%。结论 ELSD测定浙贝母中贝母素甲和贝母素乙,方法准确可靠,测定较为快捷。
Objective To explore a feasibility method for determination of peimine A and peimine B. Methods HPLC were carried out with conditions:column:agilent hypersil BDS-C18(4.0 mm×250 mm,5μm),mobile phase:acetonitrile-water-diethylamine(65:35:0.03),ELSD to determinate of peimine,peiminine. Results The average percentages of peimine A from three batches of Jinhua were(0.124 ± 0.07)% and peiminine B were(0.061 ± 0.004)%. Conclusion ELSD for determination of peimine,peiminine is a accurate and reliable and rapid method.
China Health Standard Management