目的:利用文献计量学方法和社会网络分析法对国际上发表的慢性盆腔疼痛综合征相关论文进行分析,探测该疾病目前的研究现状和研究热点。方法:通过下载Pub Med中截止到2015年已发表的慢性盆腔疼痛综合征相关研究文献692篇,抽取文献的主题词并统计频次,选取高频主题词构建主题词共现网络,分析网络的属性和拓扑结构,来揭示主题词共现网络的特点和结构。结果:主题词共现网络密度为0.111,平均距离2.886,凝聚系数0.685。故网络密度较低,平均距离较长,凝聚系数较高,提示网络是一个稀疏性网络,信息传播较慢,而内部潜在凝聚性较强,说明慢性盆腔疼痛综合征目前研究的主题分散,各主题之间联系较少,主题内容互相融合的可能性较大。该领域研究可分为慢性盆腔疼痛综合征的诊断和分类、药物治疗、治疗和病因学、微生物学、心理学以及流行病学6个方面,其中以诊断分类、药物治疗和病因学研究为重点。结论:慢性盆腔疼痛综合征领域的科学研究从整体性角度来看已经形成体系,主要集中在疾病的诊断、药物治疗和病因学方面,然而该领域内研究主题比较分散,存在重复性研究,故该领域的管理部门和学科带头人应从整体的角度合理引导和协调各机构和团体的研究主题和内容,重视科研项目的合作。
Objective: To analyze the internationally published literature relevant to chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) using bibliometrics and social network analysis, and investigate the cmTent status and focuses of CPPS studies. Methods : We identi- fied 692 publications on CPPS by searching PubMed up to December 2015, extracted their subject headings, calculated the frequencies of the headings, and constructed a co-occurrence network of the high-frequency ( ≥ 10) subject headings. Then we studied the features and structure of the co-occurrence network by analyzing its attributes and topological structure. Results : The density of the construc- ted co-occurrence network was 0.111, with an average distance of 2. 886 and a clustering coefficient of 0. 685. Its low density, long average distance and high clustering coefficient indieated that it was a sparse network, with a slow speed of information spreading among nodes but a strong potential coherence, which suggested that the current topics in the study of CPPS were scattered and weakly correla- ted, with a high possibility of being integrated. Based on the topological structure of the co-occurrence network, the topics in the study of CPPS were divided into six aspects: diagnosis and classification, drug therapy, treatment, etiology, microbiology, psychology, and epidemiology, the more important of which were diagnosis and classification, drug therapy, treatment and etiology. Conclusion : Asystem has been formed in the studies of CPPS, focusing on the diagnosis, drug therapy, and etiology of the disease. However, the re- search topics are relatively scattered and frequently repeated. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the macrocosmic guidance and rational coordination of the researches on CPPS.
National Journal of Andrology